Here are the details if you’re interested! Please share this with anyone who you would think would be a good fit.
I might have some referrals for you guys. I’ll point them your way.
What’s the timeframe here, @Nate_Pearson? I see this posting is still up but I assume you’re inundated with talent by now or have already made decisions. Either way, I’m throwing my hat in the ring for this position and keeping my eyes peeled for future opportunities.
Best of luck!
Ben Schultz
Still going through resumes. It’s early still.
@Nate_Pearson an interesting question, would you HAVE to be remote US based? Could you cross over from another timezone?
Have you asked @ambermalika?
Yes on US. It gets to be pain outside the US.
Just curious is all the Customer Support based in Reno or do you allow some to work remotely?
Hi @Nate_Pearson, thank you for posting the PM position here in the forum, too. I appreciate the great work you’ve done and I would love to be a part of TR’s growth myself. I believe i would be a great fit and an asset to TrainerRoad - please watch for my resume. Thank you
If only there were a role for which a 16year career bureaucrat would fit the bill, I’d be in on it! lol
Congrats to those of you who made it to the second round - good luck! I look forward to seeing what you do at TrainerRoad.
And kudos to the TR team for their tact handling the majority who didn’t make the cut. Thanks
Whoa! A TR job where I might have been able to meet the basic requirements. And I might have been willing to relocate back to the US, depending on my wife’s input. Your job descriptions are inspiring, @Nate_Pearson!
It would be good if the new manager could be a voice for us baby boomers and others who have difficulty completing the current training plans (mostly the build phase ). I suspect there are a lot of us. My coach (me) is having a hard time adapting the plans so that I don’t get burnt out.
By the way, I’m cleaning up in the men’s 65 age group, but I want to be competitive with the men’s 50 guys.
If only you needed UK based support! C’mon guys pull your finger out and become global.
The problem is taxes. My Estonian income taxes take me about 30 minutes. My US income taxes, where I show that I don’t owe anything, take me a couple days.
FYI, we’re closing this down to new applicants. We have a lot of great applicants in the pipeline and we’re going to focus on them.
If you missed this round that’s OK. This won’t be the last Product Manager we’ll hire.