A guy I was riding with today was surprised I have my current speed displayed on my head unit. After some thought I guess he was right, what do I care how fast I’m going?
Here’s what I have (right now). Wow looking at my setup… it makes ZERO sense! lol
Current Speed
Active Time
Time of Day
Avg Speed
Average Power 5s
Total Ascent
Current Elevation
Wahoo Map Screen
Current Speed
Distance Next Cue
Avg Power 3s
I have the TR recommended screen set up for out doors work outs (or indoor on a virtual course), IIRC its
Segment Time to go;
Interval Average Power (+ Target Range);
3s Power;
Interval Graphic;
% Max HR (I think TR say bpm but I prefer %max); and
For indoors workouts its mainly the TR screen but I run my Garmin parallel. It has:
3s Power;
Lap Power (although I often forget to press lap);
Lap time;
% Max HR; and
Ive never done a group work out but if I did I cant see it being any different from above.
Edit: for a leisure/group ride its:
Speed Graphic
Power Graphic
Cadence Graphic
Time of the Day
% Max HR
I’ll have a second data screen I’ll sometimes jump to (but not always) for other stats (Elevation, Temperature and battery life, etc)
For inside and outside workouts, majority of the time my screen shows this:
and one click up to quickly check HR:
looks like a warmup interval.
No workout loaded, focused on zone2 (blue):
this one is mostly used on group rides, where the ride leader will ask everyone to pull at say 20mph. So having speed on this and the navigation page is important. Hmm, 21mph in flatland at that power for me means one thing - strong tailwind!!!
Have a bunch of other screens, the ones above are used all the time.