What are your go to snacks?

In similar vein I blew someone’s mind the other day by snapping a banana in half and eating each half-banana in turn.

Some folk are easily shook.

Haribos! Wife bought me a 2kg Costco bag and I’ve been working through it way too fast.

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I have to ask…you eat banana peels?

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Ah. No. I just find it more elegant to eat a half-banana followed by another half-banana, rather than eating a whole one.

My way, you don’t have a full-length banana skin flapping about as you near the end of proceedings.

Got it. I do the same.

I thought apple core was getting crazy, but banana peel would have been :exploding_head:

But along which axis are you splitting it?

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The x-axis. :grin: :wink:

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I’m surprised how popular those are among cyclists.

To be clear, I only eat them off the bike. Not sure I would like that much chewing and swallowing solids on the bike and I don’t really have any issue with getting carbs in liquid form of the bike. A few weeks ago racing 9 days in a row on Zwift these were the go-to snack off the bike. I think I read somewhere they even have the proper ratio of glucose to fructose.

No! You’ll end up with a tree growing out your ears!

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That’s much more polite than the way my dear old dad told it! :smile:

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Eat it all and experience the marzipan taste! :sunglasses:

If im trying to keep weight down I snack on Jerky.
Otherwise yogurt/granola, or oatmeal with PB powder and vanilla almond milk.

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Apple seeds have the potential to release 0.6 mg of hydrogen cyanide per gram. This means that a person would have to eat 83–500 apple seeds to develop acute cyanide poisoning.
As with anything , except exercise “moderation” is a good rule of thumb.

They also need to be chewed for cyanide to actually get released, whole seeds go right through you…

If you give an apple ‘core’ to our dog, she’ll leave a pile of seeds where she was eating it.