Pardon the language, hunger and frustration is an awful mix. My brother just gave me his Kickr Snap and I cannot clamp it tight enough to secure my frame (or so I think). I’ve watched the video tons of times and have read the manual. I’m using the trainer skewer. Thanks!
Post a pic - i’d be heated too!
My floor was uneven so I leveled it out and it seemed to help a bit. However the adjustment knob is completed extended so I have no more room to tighten. I only need a few more millimeters!
I ride an XS frame but it worked fine with my Kurt Kinetic
What do you think the problem is. The only thing I see is that you might have the cut out for the sker in the wrong place large should be where the handle is. Other than that it looks mine
Hmm thought it was supposed to fit snugly into the notches. Let me give it another go
Do you mean the larger portion of the lock ring should be touching the lever? I didn’t correct it in the photo just to make sure.
Edit: Hmm I just looked over several images online and it seems that I have it on correctly.
Can you fit some washers/spacers between your frame and the skewer? This should allow the skewer to stick out further, thus allowing for a tighter clamp. Also, you may need to buy and aftermarket skewer that is longer.
Have you loosened up the big lock ring and extended it as far as possible? It looks like there should be more room for extension
Any idea what size skewer I should get?
My 2017 Kickr Snap came with skewers and various miscellaneous parts, which I assume was to accommodate different bikes. However, I use a mountain bike and have a thru axle, so I never paid any attention to the skewer setup. You’ll probably have to do a little research to figure it out. Have you tried a washer/spacer next to the frame?
There seems to be plenty of adapters for the Kurt kinetic but can’t seem to find any for Wahoo besides a straight axel one. Where should I put the washer? I found this but not sure if it’ll do the trick. Would the adapter go in the cup?
The washer should go next to your frame with the skewer going through it. So in theory, you won’t have to thread the skewer into the skewer cap as far, thus making it longer. So the washer is on the same side as the long part with the handle/lever.
Yeah I had to use different skewers with my older wheel on trainer for sure. I had Mavic Ksyriums and they straight wouldn’t let me clamp it well. Since I had Campy Hubs on my other wheel sets (Which have the most beautiful skewers in the world) I didn’t want to mar them up with the clamps, so I bought some cheap Shimano 600 off Ebay to use just in the trainer. That led to a trainer specific wheel, and trainer tires to prevent slippage, and so on and so forth. It all led to me getting the KICKR (direct drive) two years ago and I love it.
Still, I get you probably don’t want to do that, so try a skewer with a small head, most of the Shimano ones fit the Cyclops clamps and they look very similar.
just my .02 I don’t think thats going to matter, it looks like your clamp is pushed hard against the skewer head already, I could be wrong, it happened once in 1993, she was a redhead…
but back to your problem, isn’t the other side of the snap also adjustable? My Cyclops had adjustments on both arms to allow you to center the bike…
It doesn’t seem to have that option. My Kurt had that option too so I understand.
Well dang, with a standard sized rear hub, there is no reason you should be pushed out that far. Can you post a couple more pics, maybe from the other side too?