What time of day do you workout?

What time of day/night do you all workout? Early mornings, during the day or evenings etc?

I generally workout some time between 7-00pm and 10-00pm, currently on mid volume SSB 1.

I am definitely a night owl rather than an early bird and often only go to bed after midnight. I currently don’t have to wake up before 8:30am due to my job starting later. This kind of schedule has gone on for a few years now.

However, I have always wanted to be an early bird. Getting up at 6-00 am, working out and then going to work.

But I am thinking doing early morning workouts might make me feel knackered and aching most of the day.

What do you prefer and why etc…


I usually end up starting around 3 or 4pm, either right after work or about the same time on weekends. Just works out for me. I am an early to bed, early to rise type, but couldn’t workout first thing in the morning nor later in the evening. If I miss the 3-4 window then it would be a start time no later 7-7:30.

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I work a late shift at work meaning I often don’t get home til around midnight so I start my midweek workouts then, generally finishing by around 2am when all is said and done. I’m reluctant to do it before work as this is the time that I spend with my family.

At the moment it works and I can get to sleep pretty quickly once finished as i’m currently in traditional base and the intensity is low. As I go through the phases and the intensity creeps up I suspect it will be much harder to fall asleep so may need to rethink it all at that point

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I wake up at 4am and go run before work. Then do my trainneroad workout as soon as I get off work. I am on the General Build high volume plan. I wish I had time to do my rides before work. but I leave my house at 6 am so those 2 hours rides would be brutal.

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I’m a west coaster that works remote for a East coast company, so I start at 4-5am and I’m done by 2p. I hit the trainer after work, before the family, evening, dinner time starts.

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I typically need to be done with my workouts by 6:00am on weekdays and 6:45am on weekends (due to family/dad duties). As a result, I’m usually up at 4:30am and on the bike from 5:00-6:00am. Currently on week 1 of MV SPB, so I’m going to need to do some 4:00 and 4:15am wake-ups in order to be done with my rides by 6:00am–which is going to be rough!

I’m not a morning person, but have figured out that it’s the only real time during the day that I can consistently workout due to other commitments. I’ve embraced it for the time being. I do have to admit that it’s really nice having the workout knocked out at the beginning of the day!


Last winter I did evenings on the trainer. Over the warmer months I prefer to ride outdoors as early as light allows. This fall I started mornings indoors, weekdays I try to be on the trainer around 0545. Weekends I will go later if my schedule allows. If I get to bed on time the morning rides leave me energized all day.

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One my days off and weekends I’ll often train first thing in the morning. I really enjoy this and it really sets the tone for the day.

Unfortunately my days start too early during the week, so I usually train in the late afternoon or early evening. These can be tough times as fatigue is often setting in and I start to limit caffeine intake later in the day.

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Wake up at 3:30-3:45am to get my rides in before work the majority of the time.

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What time do you go to bed and what time do you have to leave for work?

I’m with you. Often start workouts about 10 /11pm.

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I’m a work from home software developer. My off-season trainer rides: Weekdays, I do an hour at lunch (noon to 1) and then 1 - 2 hours after work (5:30/6:00PM and depending on day). Weekends: Saturday 2.5 - 3.5 hrs starting at 9:30 AM. Sunday 2-3 hours starting around noon.

I hate early morning rides as it interferes with my coffee drinking.
I hate late evening rides as it interferes with my beer drinking.


Typically in bed by 9:30pm. My commute is 5 miles so I’m usually at work by 5:30am

A normal workout day I roll out of bed @ 4:05 and I’m on bike by 4:15. Do my workout and get to work by 6:00. In bed by 9:30 most nights. Starting work @ 6:00 makes it tough to do anything other than low vol plans w/o having to edit or cut short all of the workouts. I really can’t get up early enough to get in 75-90 minute workouts.

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I roll out of bed at 5 each morning and grab a cup of coffee. I’ve already gotten my riding and work clothes ready the night before.

If I’m doing an hour ride, I need to be on the bike by 6. If it’s a 90 minute ride, it’s gotta be by 5:30 for me to be to work by 8 am. I only do longer rides on the weekend.

Work 8-5. It feels great to have already exercised before my day’s even started. I do like to take a 20-40 minute nap at lunch time when I can though :wink:


This is basically me too :+1:t3:

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6:00-6:45 am and/or 5:30-7:30 pm. I’m in the process of slowly training myself to wake up early to work out. Right now I’m just doing easy 30 min treadmill runs, just trying to be consistent. I eventually want to do all my runs in the am which some will have me waking up at 4:30 am. Will also help cut out the drinking.

Afternoons will be reserved for weights/recovery trainer rides/foam rolling. I’m focusing 100% on running next year so still trying to figure out how to keep my bike fitness at an acceptable level.

It’s amazing how varied our training schedules are.
Occasionally I will start a workout after midnight if I have had no other time.
My wife can’t believe it when I do that :slight_smile:

I always find it funny when friends non-cycling or non-exercising friends say, wow, you are looking trim, or fit etc…

If only they would eat sensibly and do a bit of exercise too…but that’s another topic.

Do any of you that workout early in the morning feel knackered all day? Or do you get use to it and make sure you get enough sleep etc…?

Alarm at 4am, out of bed by 4:15am, on the trainer by 5am. I’ve done the afternoon/after work thing before and it always leads to to much chaos in life and I end up missing workouts. I dont love 4am, but I get it done and out of the way and nobody else’s plans get in the way.

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I find I feel energised! I’m feeling a little lethargic now (over unders at 0530 this morning!) but its a good feeling. I know I’ve worked hard and will sleep well tonight :slightly_smiling_face:

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