What training plan

Aged 53 I started using Adaptive training about 4 weeks ago and I have my first Sportive this weekend covering a distance of 79 miles and approx 2k ft of climbing.
I am considering a ride in June covering 100 (160km) miles and (1600 meters) 7000ft of climbing. I have gone the different plans and I am unsure as to what I should go with.
Any pointers would be most welcome and I am happy to share details of my Trainerroad workouts or career. .

Go with one, maybe the Gran Fondo one get training consistently rather than putting it off and if you dont like it down the line try another. PS good luck in your events.

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We’d second @HLaB’s recommendation – you can use Plan Builder to get a training plan applied to your TR Calendar. It sounds like focusing on the Gran Fondo Specialty Phase would be the right move for your events! The Gran Fondo Specialty Phase primarily focuses on muscular endurance and it also includes some higher-intensity VO2 max efforts. That would be a good combo to build the fitness you need for longer events with lots of climbing.

Feel free to let us know if you have any additional questions on getting your plan set up!

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Thanks Guys,
Gran Fondo it is and I’m pleased I asked…


Yes, I am riding some long stuff this year, so i am doing the Grand Fondo. I also try to ride a long endurance Saturday, or Sunday depending on weather (i don’t mind rain but winds of the North sea are a different matter)

best of luck


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