What workout did you do today? (2018/2019)

Yeah was surprised! Had a poor day nutrition wise but somehow managed to put together a solid workout.

Washington +5 for me. Almost perfect for the Zwift Volcano circuit, lap on, lap off… just had to add 20 seconds extra rest to ensure laps worked, probably not ideal but motivation/carrot wise it worked for me.

Cadence reduced for last one, all felt achievable, much prefer threshold workouts to anything above… doesn’t hurt as much :wink: a good workout.


How dopey of me. I forgot that my direto power source is a little lower than my stages outdoors. I did a little test to compare the two in the past, at threshold it seemed to be a 4-6 watt difference. That brings them a little closer together! Thanks @brenph and @markryd for your input!


Ramp test today, after finishing SSBLV2, going into short power build low volume.

258 watts, up from 248. At 3.03watt/kg. Pretty happy with it. I think i’m on track to be much improved and hopefully at the pointy end of my cat 4/5 races after being mid pack last year.


Ramp test w/ some extra tacked on. 240 to 256. 2.95w/kg. Hoping to slowly increase FTP and keep losing weight.


Today did Andrews, the first workout of Sustained Power Build HV. Feeling pretty good after my Lamarck test yesterday, but different to adjust to new endurance zones, especially at 221 which has been tempo for so long.

Bonus is that I’m at 159lbs now, just 4lbs to lose for race weight, which hopefully is pretty easy. Need to figure out how much damage I can do to cat 5 fields at 4.2 (or hopefully 4.3w/kg)


Another Pettit today. I did the workout in front of a mirror to check the movement of my knees.

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Nice… Giving me hope for this week. Funny similarity is I used to almost always do better at Kaiser than Spencer in SSB2. Hoping there is enough of a fitness gain from last week to this for a pretty good compliance on BAshful +2 (it used to be all of the intervals were 90s at 125%)

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Fang Mountain +1 at 101% for last three intervals. Awesome… cadence was starting to fall apart before the last “climb” so this intensity was perfect. Felt much better than yesterday, but still, baby girl is taking her toll as sleepless fatigue mounts.


Pettit for me this morning, Followed by a relatively hard swim

Main set had a 10x100 @ 2 min intervals + 6x100 @ 1:45 Finally met a swim speed goal I had set for myself back in 2012, and hadn’t really focused much on swimming since not getting it that year. Plus is that this was done in a relatively slow pool… When I made the goal before, the lap lanes were in the diving well, and with gutters (basically there’s no wake), the pool I swim in now is shallow, and a converted outdoor pool in a bubble.


feeling a small ftp increase maybe on the way. Been given extra incentive after reading the over 40’s 4w/kg thread.


I think we need to accept that we “shut down” for winter. Super early workouts are fine at 04:30 when the sun is up and you are too. In the depths of winter, I’m not sure the fight is worth it.


Damn…I hope a ridiculous amount of damage, or I’m going to be in trouble at 3.0w/kg lol :frowning:

I suppose I’m bigger with a higher absolute FTP (258), but still. I would imagine you should crush some people, especially if you’ve got any hills.

Oh, the 221 I mentioned is the top of my endurance zone, FTP is 295. But yeah, New England has hills! So if I can really get that 10min power solid in addition too FTP, maybe I can drop some folks. The tough thing is I’ve raced road so sporadically I’m not going to be great with tactics, and so used to my prior levels of fitness that I have no real idea of what I might be able to do against others.

But having done well moving up in CX this past season from a back of pack to upper middle cat 4, I can see this next season going next level.


Back in training and;

  1. Easy cycle outsidE
  2. 30min easy run
  3. Mount Wood
  4. Hard 2hr commute ride, fasted, suffering with pack
  5. 1hr run
  6. 3hrs free wine




Pretty easy. Much easier than Ericsson. Breaks were nice and short. Good way to get primed for Eclipse on Saturday


Wow, you guys must have some serious Cyclocross competition there. I was middle of the pack this year as a 5, and was approved for an early upgrade to 4 over the winter as I beat a pretty decent portion of the cat 4 field. And I’m nowhere near as fast as you…

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Dade +3
2min @ 115%.

Good intro back into VO2 territory after a 3 month lay over in SS land.

Apart from my PM acting like a d*ck…I guess it went ok…?
Been so long that I have no real reference to how 115% is supposed to feel. :man_shrugging:
First day of SusPower BuildHV so will be doing 1 VO2 workout/week.
Want to target my ~3min power to replicate what I need in my A race.
8 weeks to get to 3min @125%.


Carpathian peak. The first workout of GB LV.
I did get a small cold at the end of the rest week avfter SSB2LV and needed some additional rest. I decided to skip ramp test and just try. I lifted FTP from 244 to 250. First interval was tough, but often the second one is way easier. During the first hill in the second interval my eyesight started to blur and narrow, and i got “light spots”. I backpedaled for a bit, did som focused breathing and got some fluids before easing back in with 98%. To my surprise was then able to finish of the workout at 98 %.
I was obviosly doing a little to much to early. I do not believe that the FTP is set to high, but yesterday I was not able to do it. It might also be that I started the workout a little underhydrated.


Brasstown for me.

Felt stupidly hard for some reason. Not sure whether i’m fully recovered from the last few weeks of training as i’m in a recovery week. I’ve also changed bikes on the trainer, and the position is slightly different (Supersix Evo VS Planet X Pro Carbon).

Knocked it down to an hour, as i remember on the podcast they said it’s not a problem to shorten recovery week rides for the benefit of feeling fully fresh at the end of the week