What workout did you do today? (2018/2019)

More Pool woes eh?

Spencer for me, had to cut off the warm down due to taxi duties.


Warlow. Just about ready for the next interval after each recovery phase. Now chill-out with the newspaper on the couch and trying a new protein mokka hot cup (??)


Wife was going to be doing activities from 8:30 until noon
 so I wasn’t sure I’d have the motivation to do this after she got back and just woke up early to get it over with. I think I’ll need a nap once she gets back and can take over parenting duties.

Here is my 2 hour version of BAys +2 that I created. Hoping that after the rest week, the weather will start to pick up and I can start moving these outdoors
 but March is coming in like a lion around here, there’s going to be a significant snow here tomorrow.


I told the head lifeguard to tell the aquatic supervisor that my husband and I are going to leave town and when anybody asks why we’ll say it’s because the pool was too hot and didn’t have lane ropes. #smalltownproblems


Today was the ardous Putuo for 4:15. Started later than planned but still managed to stick with it. My going in though was “maybe I’ll do 3hrs and then 1hr outside on the trails” but I knew that was a cop-out. Then I thought, maybe the whole 4:15 and then some outdoor saddle time, but nixed that too. Just the turbo time today.

Today’s ride followed yesterday afternoon’s hard swim of 3600m where the main set was pulling: 5x200m on 3:00 (came in ±2:45 so about 15s rest), 4x200m on 2:55 (about 10s rest), 3x200m on 2:50 (about 5s rest), 2x200m on 2:45 (yes, about 1s rest
 but there was traffic in the lane), and 1x200m on 2:40 (ie fastest I could muster) and came in at 2:40. 2min rest between sets was luxurious.


I have Putuo again on Monday, not particularly excited at the thought!

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I watched 6.5 tv episodes and tested a nutrition plan. Enjoy Monday!

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just finished fang mountain +3 for sustained power HV. it’s kind of nuts it has us averaging threshold for 54mins! Did it all, didn’t crack once!


Antelope for SSBLV1 week 2, and I clearly don’t belong among you racers but I’m proud of myself anyway.


I’m exhausted and hungry just reading about your workouts! Was your cadence really avg 65 for 4.5hrs?

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Just finished. :triumph:


We all start somewhere! I think my first recorded FTP was 90


(after creepin’ on your profile) WOW you’ve basically doubled it!

Yes, and I’m at my best w/kg to date :partying_face:. Progress has definitely not been linear and these days I feel a lot of my gains aren’t necessarily FTP based.

What I found interesting was the data that Nate put up some time back: The Bell curve of cylists - how fast are the average TR users? - #124 by Nate_Pearson because I always felt I was way more to the left of the curve than I actually am.


I’d be willing to be most of us think that until we are presented with the facts. I had a borderline complex about not being a very good runner in HS (25 yrs ago!) because I wasn’t the fastest guy on my team, yet I was a 1:56 half miler and sub 17 5K runner as an underdeveloped senior. Not elite, but way to the right of the bell curve. I let that “complex” affect my enjoyment of the sport. Live and learn. I often wonder how fast I could’ve been had I stuck with it and kept working!

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Ha, yep, I am less left-ward than I expected.

Timed it perfectly to finish together with the Omloop, cooldown started just as the chasers came over the line.

Not happy with my new ‘ftp’ though, it hurts!
2 weeks to go till the over/unders show up so hope to improve a bit by then.


Wilhelm +5.
(Endurance interval done at SS pace)

Sooo easy.

I’m either doing something super right or doing something duper wrong.

And so help me god if I have to read “Your FTP is wrong” one more time!!!


Ansel Adams -2

After today, I’m calling these intervals “Stybars” :fire:



Yup. Right there, not like alternating between 50 & 80, but hovering around 65. I used to ride at 85-90 comfortably but downshifted. Lower cadence is equalling lower heart rate which should mean lower cardio drag for the run. That’s the idea, at least. I sent this q to the podcast but it wasn’t picked up.