What would a custom VO2 max progression look like?

For the vo2 experts…

If the goal of vo2 max intervals isn’t necessarily to hit the highest power target, but is to gain the most time at vo2 max with the highest oxygen uptake, generating the greatest stimulus to the heart muscle and other things that I’ve seen mentioned in this thread and on podcasts…wouldn’t it follow that the best vo2 max workout would actually be done cross training with either rowing or skate skiing?

I think it’s common knowledge that those disciplines hit higher vo2 max numbers because they recruit more muscles (back & shoulders specifically) and cycling is somewhat limited because it’s just legs/glutes and particularly so if those become fatigued.

Obviously you’d lose out on the specificity, but I’m still curious if it may be beneficial to incorporate a rowing vo2 max workout into these blocks, especially at the end where your legs might be blown out from the fatigue of the whole block.

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