What's your drink and fuel while on the trainer?

Workouts up to 1h only water. More than 1h water and one energy bar or a gel.

For anything more than endurance, I’ve started using a carb bottle mix, from this thread which is 2:1 Dextrose-Maltodextrin 50-50 mix: Fructose, (and electrolyte powder).

Have been in the sick house since finishing week 5 or SSB1 MV, so a week off, and just doing recovery week now, so not even n=1 evidence as to whether it has worked for gains. However, as discussed on several podcasts, RPE definitely down!

Where I’m straight on the turbo, I’m working through a load of (past best before) gels I’ve built up. I plan to just have some maple syrup or honey when they’re gone!

The only metric I can say is both on the turbo and outside, I’ve noticed RPE to be down trying to fuel. I’ve focused on other areas of my diet to cut the crap/ reduce intake rather than try and out train the legacy bad diet habits. (Still love my beer and crisps/ chips night though!).

I should add, I workout in the morning pre-breakfast. I generally have carbs in the evening as well. I used to rely on just this.

SIS Go Electrolyte Mix :ok_hand:t2:

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I’m training with what I want to use during race. I want to get my gut ready for race day to minimise the chance of gatro problems.

I drink water and use Torq gels. (gels on sessions over on hour only)

At the moment i am on only 2 gels per hour - but will move to 3 closer to race time

I’m surprised by two things.

  1. loads of you drinking just water - I definitely thought I was "doing it wrong"and everyone else would be having some sugary/electrolyte drunk

  2. no-one else on jelly babies at all! TBF I’d probably be on bananas instead but my wife has a phobia about them so they’re not allowed in the house :smiley:


I just used Medjool dates for a long session and will be using them again for sure :+1:t2:


Do you see any gains when you use the Perrier vs ‘water’ :joy:


There’s gotta be a good story here…


I`m so excited how the story will continue!

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I only drink water for all endurance sessions, even for the two - three hours ones. For all other sessions that are harder than endurance I use an endurance drink (a german company, so I think no one will care about the brand here) and sometimes gels to finish vo2max sessions on a “good” shape.

What are the chances I need to eat more if SSB workouts are always extremely hard? I skip breakfast every day, eat a big lunch at ~1500 calories, and only eat dinner if I plan to train the next day. It seems like the SSB workouts are extremely hard and over the last two years I’ve really struggled to finish every one of them and never once walked away thinking “I should take an FTP test”.

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I do all my rides early in the morning fasted from the evening before, and only add some food on longer rides (90 mins). So it’s certainly doable.

I’m afraid not - if there was then it wouldn’t be a phobia - phobias by their very definition are illogical and borne out of nothing!


Short or easy workout: Water
Harder workout : Mixture of water, maple syrup and salt
Most difficult and long workout: (Mixture of water maple syrup and salt) & (bananas)

Absolutely not Just makes me pee more :crazy_face:

I’ve looked at that but its literally almost 5x more expensive than the Gatorade I use, so is it actually better? I usually mix in half a scoop (2 TBSP) of Gatorade powder into a standard water bottle so it comes to a little more than what’s on this label. For Eclipse on Sunday, I had two mixed bottles.

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Are you eating during your SSB workouts?

Your day sounds pretty minimal on caloric intake - I would at least be eating “a lot” on the bike to be fueling your workouts.

I average roughly 300 calories per hour on the bike and am still in a weight loss period through SSB while still completing workouts at 100% intensity.

None and never, ever eat before or during a workout. I wonder if that’s why the SSB workout seem so impossible. I still get through most of them, but it’s extremely hard and emotionally draining. I’ve been thinking about switching to traditional base because the SSB workouts take such a mental and emotional toll. I think I’ve literally cried because I couldn’t get through the workouts, it’s keeping me from achieving goals.

Then it sounds like you need to eat more, but I see you indulging in all sorts of Tacos on FB. :money_mouth_face:

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I assure you that if I ate tacos, I fasted the day before and certainly did not eat breakfast nor dinner that same day.