What's your drink and fuel while on the trainer?

1-1.25 hr. Water

1.5 hr +. Water, infinite custom, and maybe figs.

Hahahahahahaha. Come on mate. Stop punishing your body.

I also like those Nature’s Bakery…but holy cow, have some water ready, those thins are like sponges in my mouth.

Some great options here.

It still boggles my mind that people use ‘cycling nutrition’ during trainer workouts.

Marketing is a very effective tool…

You’re not in a race, you can literally eat anything. Weight, size, complexity, these are not factors. You essentially need carbs and hydration. There’s a billion more fun foods and many vastly more affordable options than overpriced gel and sports drinks. An argument could definitely be made that if you aren’t doing high intensity, that eating nutrient rich food ‘may’ be the best long term health option.

Obviously, if you are exceeding 3hrs, and attempting to do your best efforts in the final hours, you’ll need to be a little more precise . Options like Beta Fuel and Maurten make more sense then. Even then, I personally never use this on the trainer. It’s possibly, the most overpriced sugar on Earth.

However, I doubt many people are doing intense race simulation 4hr trainer workouts on the regular…

Don’t forget the salt. It is also very expensive salt :slight_smile:
Maybe these sports drinks are the cycling equivalent of inkjet printer ink???

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I put granulated sugar and about 25g of gatorade powder. I vary the sugar based on the effort. I also uncork a caffeine pill or two. Riding at 4:45AM so I need a little wake-me-up. Mainly use this bottle like a gel bottle and chase it with multiple water bottles.

I am also doing the gatorade powder + table sugar, at about a 7-10% solution (so 75 grams sugar/gatorade in 750ml bottle) early in the morning. I have some premixed jugs at 10% in the fridge, and depending on the effort dilute it some. Some mornings I start with some coca-cola for the caffeine.
I have found that significantly increasing my carb intake on the trainer beyond what is ‘required’ has been beneficial to my performance and RPE during the session, as well as how I feel afterward.

I think the longest I have been on the trainer is 90 minutes, I don’t need anything more than water. I do like cold ice tea, so I tend to drink that a lot though.

Sour gummy worms. It’s very scientific.

So has anyone seen an FTP boost or a weight loss improvement when adding nutrition on the trainer? I get up have an espresso and jump on early morning. Could I be doing this smarter to get better results?

No FTP boost (yet, I don‘t test often), but I have seen massive improvements in my ability to do work. I used to struggle with sustained intervals and VO2max work, now I don‘t at all.

I fuel with 60g maltodextrin + 60gr fructose per hour for any workout below 2h. Above 2h I just try to kedp up that rate but often fail (fueling is hard!).

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