What's your favorite caffeine delivery product?

Run gum.

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Indeed - I do use caffeine gels before early morning TT in the UK - mostly to wake myself up rather than for any potential performance benefit!

I switched to caffeine pills for long races/rides. These contact lenses flip tops work great. Can be opened one handed or by your mouth (preferred method).


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You might be a fast metabolizer of caffeine (like me). I have a few cups of coffee a week and it does nothing for me. In fact, I drank 3/4ths of a pot of coffee last night and was in bed 1/2hr later.

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Thank you! What a great idea. I just ordered some.

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Is anyone else here reading this and thinking iced coffee in a bottle sounds delightful?

I totally do that. Add some sugar for some carbs, it’s great. Especially mid ride on a hot day.

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I use this stuff https://www.amazon.co.uk/HIGH5-Hydration-Refreshing-Carbohydrates-Electrolytes/dp/B008KZ9OGI?pd_rd_w=9cPCP&content-id=amzn1.sym.a509abed-8ef9-4dfc-a8ff-23f245737da1&pf_rd_p=a509abed-8ef9-4dfc-a8ff-23f245737da1&pf_rd_r=6D02M1NSR3TN85J2F47T&pd_rd_wg=UsvQS&pd_rd_r=5bc270cc-86ad-489c-8545-a1aee3606689&pd_rd_i=B008KZ9OGI&ref_=pd_bap_d_grid_rp_0_1_ec_pd_gwd_bag_pd_gw_rp_1_t&th=1


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Hey @MI-XC, I just received those storage cases. I missed that you are using pills and not capsules. I can only get one capsule in each side :rofl: :rofl: Doh!

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Yeah, 200mg pills. I can get like 4 of them in one side.