I was thinking about standard mode the other day instead of erg and it is not on my Neo bike using BT. When does it show up or is it not possible with my trainer? Doesn’t necessarily say when it does in the article and has to be supported so got me wondering.
In short, it is trainer and connection mode dependent.
The Kickr only offers STD when on BLE.
The Hammers I think are the opposite of that? (STD in ANT+)
I am not sure the Neo series even offer STD mode.
I have no idea on the Elite options.
I know we have discussed most of these over time, but I am not aware of a quick resource that shows all the various trainers and connection modes. Maybe @IvyAudrain can see if there is something TR can offer?
Thanks and doesn’t seem like it is offered from Neo series which if that is the case it is what it is. I hardly ever use ant+ anymore but I guess I can try it as I have an old computer lying around as a last ditch effort but so easy to use my phone/ipad. I was just thinking about forgetting about ERG when it comes to certain workouts and go more by feel.
Sure worth a test in ANT+ to see if it’s even an option.
Baring STD, you can still consider using Resistance mode instead of ERG. RES is more linear and like the gradual increase with wheel speed like we got with regular magnetic trainers. STD is nice since it is more like the progressive curve that we get outside and is typical of the old fluid trainers.
RES might take more shifting to hit short/sharp efforts when compared to STD, but if you are intent on trying something other than ERG, it’s worth a shot.
Outside TR I think Elite only have Resistance and ERG modes or at least their definition of them, Levels and Power / Program modes: www.elite-it.info/myETraining/helpEnglish_v1.htm. If my interpretation is right TR wont have a Standard Mode option to select on an Elite trainer.
As @mcneese.chad mentioned, we support Resistance mode for the Tacx Neo, but not Standard mode, regardless of whether you are connecting via Bluetooth or ANT+.
Fortunately, they offer very similar features! The main difference between the two is that Standard mode uses a sliding scale to adjust the set resistance of the trainer, and Resistance mode uses a percentage of the trainers resistance capabilities to create a set resistance mode. If you want to come out of Erg mode, Resistance mode is a great option!
Sure thing!
I have a some suggestions that should help:
It would be worth fiddling around with Resistance mode in a Free Ride to try to get the hang of it.
I’d recommend finding the best Resistance mode percentage before starting your workout.
Then mid-workout, you can change gears and/ or your cadence, as you would riding outside. Gearing and Cadence have an effect in Resistance mode. Unlike ERG mode, you can use gearing and cadence to modify your power output during a ride before needing to resort to updating the trainer’s resistance level. This way, you can avoid fiddling with resistance mid-workout.
If you use the TrainerRoad desktop app, you can use the left and right arrow keys to adjust the Resistance mid-workout too. This might be easier!
I’m using the same Windows PC and ANT dongle I’ve had for many years and somewhere along the line of updates I can no longer turn on ANT. I just get a when I hover over the switch which is also greyed out.
I used to be able to connect my trainer, hrm, etc. to Bluetooth or ANT but now only Bluetooth. PC still recognizes the dongle as working. Everything is up to date, restarted, etc.