When your training plan doesn’t quite line up with your race

I just finished my 2nd week of using TR. as a new user I thought SSB would be a good place to start. Since then I picked out a spring 70.3 race. If I continue phase 1 and 2, then do the 70.3 build and 70.3 specialty, it leaves me ONE WEEK short for my race.

What’s the best recommendation for altering this so the last race/recovery week lines up right before the race? Repeat another “normal” week in the block to bump the recovery week 1wk? Take a week off between any of the training blocks? Do 2 weeks of easy recovery before race day?

Here is a handy guide.


And the opposite for not enough.

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One week in such a long timespan isn’t much. Why not just use it as a backup week for potential sickness?


I agree. If planning over longer periods then I always leave 1-2 spare weeks for illness or life chaos!

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And if life chaos hasn’t yet intervened, somewhere towards the end of Build you can work out where best to inject the extra week.