Where did you workout (ride, run, etc) OUTSIDE today? (2024)


Just a commute for me, with an ‘anaerobic’ workout. 1mins at vo2, livened up the morning :slight_smile:


Went for a bit of a tour yesterday whilst visiting family. Nambour to Palmwoods, up the hill to Montville, along the lumpy Balmoral Ridge to Mapleton, back down to Nambour. Kept it mostly high endurance & low tempo. A bit nervous on the descents because I forgot my gloves.


Col de la Bonette, not as beautiful as yesterday’s Col de Cayolle but this one was a beast finishing at an altitude of 2802m and a very steep final 1k (over 9% could have been over 10% but I needed all my focus to keep pedalling without blowing up. edit: 15% according to the dutch Wikipedia entry, the English entry doesn’t mention)

Edit: first time I saw a "verified segment " in strava. I did the marmotte last month which included the Alpe d’Huez, Galibier and Glandon but no verified segments there


Commute home a bit pretty in parts TR Raymond -1


Yes today is red, but we’ve got some rain predicted here for the next week or so, so I thought I’d bash out some endurance work & put myself in the bin a bit.

Headed over to Cabo, down the old highway, through D Bay to a park at the south end of Redcliffe, then glanced across the road & saw one of the cafés of a small, local chain I used to frequent before I left for Tas 7 years ago. Naturally I indulged. (Unfortuntely, no dougheys :doughnut::x: :pensive:)
Some very nice scenery on the esplanades, even if on one of them I got held up by cars that had just passed me. :roll_eyes:

Then headed back via a more inland route.
Strava screenshots plus the TR power distribution tell the rest of the story. (:face_with_monocle: TR FTP is correct; I’ll update strava when there’s some decent movement.) A bit ECG-ish & some long breaks for lunch & when a friend needed some care, but I think I got a couple of decent blocks of work in. Non-coasting time for the return leg was 2h9’43", average power was 62% FTP, so I associated with Freeborn.


TR Long run as a Garmin goal pace run/walk to my local ParkRun and back.

Caught up with a buddy for a kilometre or so.


The usual Saturday group ride for me today, A relatively relaxed ride especially when we cycled for a bit with a mate who was going on a bike tour with panniers et al. I did give it one dig before the pub but I dropped everyone :joy:


Col de Vars, I underestimated this one. I thought it would be easy as it is not particularly long or nor an impressive average gradient but the final 5km @ 9% were tough


Joined a local group ride in the morning A little bit annoying the 4iiii power meter went haywire halfway into the ride and erratically came back for a bit before dying completely. The battery is only a few weeks old so I doubt its that. I’ll try the back to front battery thing then a new one anyway :thinking:

Oh well, it was too nice, so I went out on the gravel bike in the afternoon.

The only slightly annoying thing is I wanted a cafe and all the ones I stopped at were closed down :frowning:


Technically it ended today.

Took the top step!


21k calories!!! What an amazing effort!!! Congrats!!!



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My 4iii was absolutely great for 3-4 years and then just suddenly a battery wouldn’t last more than a week or two.

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Im fearing that, I have had mine about a similar time :-/

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Raced BMX at a State Qualifying race. As usual I had to race down an age group since there are very few 61&up. Got crushed by 55 year olds. Starting a BMX race career at 63 was not the smartest thing I’ve done however I get to race along side the 7yr old grandson.


Awesome :muscle: :muscle: :clap:

Col d’Allos, as it was close to “home” (ie my camping), the stats didn’t mention anything spectacular as a climb I had put off doing this pass and the pass was officially closed I had put off doing it. But some people on the camping said you could easily bypass the roadblock and although the road was in poor condition with parts washed away due to landdlides still perfectly doable on a road bike. So I went, what a beauty, not hard not easy but very beautiful and because the road was closed no cars, no motorcycles and even very few other cyclists


You’re killing me!!! What an awesome adventure you’ve been on.

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And an adventure it has been. This was not where I had intended to go. I had intended to go to Annecy but I couldn’t find any free camping there. Then I saw another lake on the map with supposedly a camping according to Google but it was a camper spot for wild camping. By that time it had gotten dark and I had been driving for 13h not wanting to head back but without Internet I decided to continue anyway through a high mountain pass. Luckily we managed to find an hotel just before 2300. The next day I drove around for hours more. Google maps even had me going through Italy to get from 1 place in France to another. Anyway I was about to give up because all the campings were full and just settled for this one because I was tired of driving. But the cycling is really great here, the Tour de France passed here a few weeks earlier but more importantly my daughter really enjoys it here too (and I can leave early in the morning while she still sleeps)


I took the day off work and went for a ride with my mate who has took semi/ early retirement from the business he built. I looked at the wind direction and googled a cycling cafe and I think we found a good one (it was worthy of it 4.8/5 reviews). It was quite a hilly route and when it really got warm after the cafe stop (30 deg C) it felt hard. The pub stop came just in time :+1:

After an hour and a half recovery and a big bowl of cereal I decided it was too good a night to waste and went out with the local chaingang/ paceline knowing they took a flat route. It looks like my Power meter or garmin struggles in the large group. I rode with them on Sunday and it was a similar story the powermeter getting dropped at high cadence :frowning:

I would have liked to know what the power was up the only real hill but there was no reading there. Not that you can really call it a hill but I think I averaged more than 7w up it :thinking: