Where did you workout (ride, run, etc) OUTSIDE today? (2024)

3x 9km Loops of my locale, testing a route for self supported triathlon.

Around two stops per loop due to lights. Okay, not happy with my power to speed ratio,but moderate level of traffic it’s not a race track.


Life got really tough this summer so I’m happy when I can get out at all… not a single outdoor ride but at least I managed a few runs.

Island Park:

Hill near my house caught fire a month ago and I went out this afternoon:


Did the last local Crit of the year. Wife and kids came to watch. The B race but my legs were pretty empty… Couldn’t really hang on. There was a really bad crash in the last 2 laps Rider overlapped and she flew full speed onto a fence which had barbed wire on top… Race was stopped after that… She seemed to have some bad flesh wounds and maybe a broken collar bone… Never felt as empty as after those 25 minutes legs hurt and had no energy… Still feeling like absolute shit today…

Watched the A race because a guy we know rode there… I think was the second fastest average ever, had some road and XC pros in the field.


It was the last club TT of the season tonight. It was 35mph gusts at 5pm so I decided that I’d give the road bike a go. It wasn’t as windy as expected but wetter, and I could have done with 2 mins less in the rain. Ive also got away with not cleaning that bike but I’ll have to now :joy:

Don’t look too close :roll_eyes: :joy:


Bit of a stretch to call this a workout. On Tuesday I fiiiiinally succumbed to the sinus virus that my housemates have been spluttering around the place for more than a week before. Honestly I thought I was in the clear. Not so. :person_shrugging: Yesterday was worst :sneezing_face: but today I felt a little better & the sun came out for the first time since Sunday, so I went out for some vitamin D on a super-chilled 1½h roll around the inhabited part of the island. Kept the power down in recovery zone for the most part, & was pretty happy to keep my max just under 200w despite sections of playing in traffic.


I had the opener Cajon in my calendar today; I would have normally swapped my commute for it but I was WfH and popped out at lunchtime. What a difference from last night, the wind has completely dropped and what has remained has switched round to contain a Northerly element, and despite that northerly element it was warm (the garmin says a feel like of 25deg C) and sunny.

I waited till I was away from people/ traffic to start the workout and I think it went OK.


A bit of an under over session for me today at the Naseby TT (also the site of a different kind of battle). I’ve not got my OT yet but I’m quite confident of a PB, my old PB was 27:04 and today according to TR, Garmin, Strava was circa 26:01-06. Probably could have done a few secs faster but I thought the finish was the top of a hill and not the bottom and saved a little instead of going flat out :slight_smile:


Anybody else ride D2R2 this year? The day started cool and humid but it was overall a great day to ride :grinning: I was able to shovel down 100+ grams of carbs per hour so I felt pretty strong all day but was dragging just a little by the end. Glad to be done :rofl:


Glad it was a good one! And I need to figure out how to get the time to go down for D2R2, I know it’s one of the great ones. Also, very hard to not call it R2D2 every time.


Now I want R2D2 decals for my bike helmet :thinking: The ride is definitely worth the trip if you can make it happen!

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Had a nice ride today with some friends.



Not really a workout but an enjoyable 161 miles visiting the three local cathedrals with friends. Surprisingly, given the locations of the cathedrals the organiser came up with a hilly route for the central miles.


Mind-blowing stats! 102 miles, 40ft of elevation gain, 4 right turns, 4 left turns, 1 U-turn!


Yes… although at 29mph+ and no stopping.



I should definitely have highlighted that too!

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Smashed it! How many did you have, & how did you all manage the paceline on that?

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Cheers! We had about 40 riders total with 20ish in the double rotation paceline. About 2.5hrs in, the sun came out in full force and started cracking people. Our initial goal was 28.5mph and 3:30hrs but after this, it was obvious we can push for 30mph and 3:20hrs during the winter months.



So you’re doing like a 10% duty cycle. That sounds pretty awesome!
Yes, putting down power in the 50-70°F range is much more appealing for me too. I can imagine there’d be a few of the bunch drooling over the possibilities in winter. Keep us posted!

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I was thinking TT but to put down 250w with continuous rotation as to oppose to continuous TT power you are one strong rider :muscle: :clap:


Thanks, this was all on road bikes. TT bikes or aero bars were not welcome. My Avg power was 250 on the dot and NP was in the 260’s. I weigh just under 155. Most everyone rotating was 250ish avg power, we have plenty of horse power in south Florida.
