Where did you workout (ride, run, etc) OUTSIDE today? (2025)

Where did you ride, run or play OUTSIDE today?

Share your 2025 stories, photos and accomplishments in the great outdoors. :smiley:

Prior thread:

(I thought I’d kick this off since it’s 2025 in Australia. Intro text stolen from @mcneese.chad’s thread opener last year)

There’s a New Year’s Day tradition amongst randonneurs in Brisbane of riding all the cycling-permitted bridges over the Brisbane River in the metro area. Just two weeks ago a 12th bridge opened from Kangaroo Point to the CBD, so the route was changed to include it. 12 out of Elevenish it was called.

By late last week, today was forecast rain, so I wrote it off. Then when the forecast changed last minute I signed up. Glad I did. It was a cracker of a day! At 6am, about 15 of us rolled away from the park functioning as the control location, where the organiser had set up a smorgasbord of ride snacks & would eventually host a barbecue when we finished.

We traversed the new bridge twice: once in each direction, requiring a 14th crossing to get us back to base, doubling up on the Eleanor Schonnell bridge.

The route was just over the nominated 100km & comprised a mix of cycleways, mixed-use paths, back streets, minor roads, factory estates made quiet by the public holiday, & the very occasional footpath or main road where necessary. Zero gravel. A few climbs, some surprise pinches, but nothing too crazy & certainly no classifiable climbs.

I targeted about 170-200w which I intended to be pretty strict with, unless traffic or safety dictated otherwise or perhaps more realistically, if my attention wavered for some other reason. After about 2km I was solo, so didn’t have anyone to feel compelled to keep up with on climbs. I’d expected about 4 hours of riding, so packed 400g of carbs into a 600mL bottle (the one hanging from my aero bar in the 3rd pic), & had the usual 2× 800mL bottles for water, refilled each time at the controls, 40km & 80km in, respectively.

#1 Victoria Bridge:

(The next bridge downstream is a pedestrian-only bridge, which I contemplated pushing my bike over on the way home, so that I could say I used 13 bridges. But I ended up riding back with someone who lives nearby, so scratch that.)

#2 Kangaroo Pt Bridge:

And this, taken by a local photographer Keith Heinrich on the Kangaroo Pt Bridge:

No pic from crossing #3 Story Bridge because it’s an easy place to lose a phone.

Newstead foreshore:

#4 Sir Leo Hieschler (Gateway) Bridge:

Unfortunately no photo from #5 crossing Walter Taylor (Indooroopilly roadway) Bridge, because I forgot, & I was on the roadway with no shoulder anyway.

#6 Centenary (Jindalee) Bridge:

(I’ve heard it’s dredging that made the river brown, but who really knows?)

#7 Jack Pesch (Indooroopilly bikeway) Bridge, running alongside the rail bridge & Walter Taylor above:

#8 Eleanor Schonell Bridge:

AKA the “Green” bridge because it excludes cars, motorcycles, & trucks, & has no provision for motorised transport to access anywhere other than the bus station that services the university.

#9 Kangaroo Pt Bridge again, this time heading back towards the CBD & city gardens:

#10 Goodwill Bridge:

#11 William Jolly (Grey St) Bridge:

(WJ is one of the older & less bike-friendly bridges.)

#12 Kurilpa Bridge:

#13 Go Between Bridge:

#14 A second helping of the Eleanor Schonell Bridge, coming into the finish:

4h15’, so I wasn’t too far off.

Stats excluding socials at the end & of course commutes. Pretty happy with the distribution:


That’s an awesome tradition! Thanks for sharing the experience.

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I’m sure glad to be back on my feet and moving! Though I’m still probably a couple weeks out from getting on a bike.

I probably could have gone without a sweatshirt. It’s too warm!

Honestly, the conditions couldn’t have been more ideal for a festive 500. But I was in no place to attempt that this year.


Congrats, happy new year, & welcome back! :partying_face:


Today’s ride was another audax: Nick’s Western Fingers. A new route, & first ride organised by him. The “fingers” refer to the four dead-end roads reaching uphill (generally!) & northwest out into the forests & the two reaching south towards the river.
Road surface was pretty good for the most part. Mostly hotmixed asphalt, & some concrete where creekwater sometimes flows over the road. No gravel besides the occasional bits washed onto the road in the recent rains. And a few potholes. Fairly hot & humid, but mostly shaded in the forest.

Terrain was lumpy as hell on the “uphill” fingers. The first & longest being 10.8km, finishes 137m higher than it starts, which sounds nice & cruisy, until you factor in its 28 micro-descents that I counted on someone else’s strava (where they freewheeled), requiring an extra 85m of climbing just on that finger. That sort of terrain can tear you to shreds if you’re not an anaerobic rider. :person_raising_hand: I’m very much about sustained power so I got some practice dealing with it. My modern olive green Orbea has a busted gear outer & it’s internally routed so I’m taking it to a shop to deal with. So I was on Trek today, with it’s seemingly absurd 3× setup, which helped. Approaching a lot of the crests I was on the granny ring. Instead of dumping half the cassette I just shifted up to the middle chainring (double-shuffle if needed), then one or two rear sprockets harder, then up to the big chainring, then if it’s necessary I could shift more sprockets down the back. Then in the first moments of the next rise after a dip, where speed is dropping but I still have time to do unloaded shifts, I did the reverse.

I still prefer more consistent grades but I feel that something in me shifted (haha, sack me :person_facepalming:) when dealing with lumpy terrain, & managed to get some blocks of pedalling resembling a consistent output. So it feels like a success.
(Speed, power, HR, cadence from this first finger)

I would love to know how many gearshifts I made today to keep that cadence in check too. It’s gotta be something in the order of several thousand. If I was running airlines I’d be walking the bike before I even finished the first finger. :laughing:

But I did do some lamenting that the most beautiful scenery often happens to be the most annoying to ride through. :person_shrugging: :laughing:

Three forested fingers, then a fourth in the middle of a little tour around some semi-rural localities, then I got a puncture. No big deal, had spares, pump, tools (never leave home without 'em), shade, & water. Control at 60km. Café was closed so I got some random sitting outside the vet nextdoor to sign my card. Down to the first river finger. Good to see the cable operated ferry back in action after the raised river level caused by recent rains rendered it out of action for a few days I think.

Then the last finger amongst farmland

And back through semi-rural into more urban landscapes. Finished the 102km route in 4h37’.

On the commute home, I thought since I was in the area & with a suitable steed I thought I’d try Brisbane’s steepest street, Gower St, which tops out in the high 20s %. Managed to get up, one of the slowest times on the leaderboard this year, but I don’t mind. :sunglasses:

Ride stats

Blue: audax route. Red: extra roads traversed on the commute:

If RLGL was a human, it would be tsk tsk-ing me right now. :flushed: :face_with_hand_over_mouth: But this one was planned almost a week ago. And tomorrow is definitely rest.


The shortest ride of the year for me (actually my only one so far), so short its not even on Strava. The temperature went +ve just after midnight and it had been +1 deg C for hours (the met office claimed it was 2deg C) and everything looked clear but the bottom of our lane was covered in sheet ice. I may fire up TN later.


I’m feeling A LOT better today than even 2 days ago.



Just a short one today for me. My mates met at 9am but it was still -4deg C and the meet was 12miles away, so I had a lie in. Went out for a walk on the trails I could cycle, they were covered in ice but not slippy. So I came back and cycled the 5 mile route on my gravel bike. Didn’t get far and the p’ture from the last time I rode the bike (before Christmas) which has stayed good since then reopened. Getting off the bike it sealed but two minutes later it would open again. I went through that cycle a few times. Eventually used a CO2 cannister and I think it sealed it :crossed_fingers: and I got a bit longer but a brand new p’ture opened up. Came home used the track pump to over over-pressurised the tyre and it kept pressure for circa 30 mins until 8 min into another ride, same story, wouldn’t seal on the move but would seal stopped but would reopen on the move. I’ve come back and did the same (over pressurising with a track pump) and the tyre has stayed solid for hours. I’ll probably take the bike out tomorrow if its icy first thing and if it happens again I’ll be looking for a new brand of sealant. I’ve used Stans Race for 1000s of miles and never used a dynaplug (things have always sealed on the move and stayed sealed). Whereas Peaty’s with tyres which are less than 50 miles old (WTB Raddlers the same brand) I’ve had several p’tures that have refused to seal on the move or stay sealed. The only draw back to Stans Race is can clog things up :face_with_diagonal_mouth:


You are a very patient man! Hope it’s better tomorrow!

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I spent a lot of time this fall researching and putting together a good winter kit. We don’t get too cold in Houston, but cold enough. Today was my first day to use it and I was pretty thrilled. 30 degrees when I left and 45 deg when I finished. I was amazed how perfectly it worked. Face, tips of fingers, and toes were a bit chilly but only for the first hour. I stayed warm the whole ride and barely broke a sweat by the end. Normally I’m used to a 90 deg. Start at 7 am and a 100 deg. Finish.

I had insulated bibs, wool socks, shoe covers, base layer, thermal jersey, uninsulated windproof proof jacket, insulated gloves, and cap that covered my ears.

Couldn’t have been more thrilled with how everything was going. I expected to need to strip the jacket, but just unzipped a few inches and was good to go.

Of course, as luck would have it on my inaugural cold weather ride, my wheel got stuck on a ledge in the pavement while moving to the side about 50 miles in and I went down. Bibs, gloves, shoe covers, all destroyed on their first use. Will be about $250 to replace. Ugh. Oh well, great ride nonetheless and aside from tweaking my wrist, I’m fine and was able to finish the ride.


Ouch, I hope it was only the clothes that was hurt!


I’m in Sugar Land. That’s an impressive ride. It was cold out there with the wind and humidity.

Sorry you went down, but glad you’re ok! One item you might want to consider is a buff that you can wear around your neck, but pull up to cover your mouth, nose, and even ears when needed.

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Thanks for the suggestion! See them mentioned a lot but slipped my mind for this case. Sometimes when the mouth gets covered, the glasses fog, but they go up and down easy at least. I’ll pick one up and give it a shot.

Definitely chilly this morning, but with tomorrow looking like rain, it still seemed like the better choice.

Normally I drive to spring creek greenway to ride - easy to get in 60ish miles on nice trails. Today I rode there and back for the first time which tacked on another 26 miles. It went well, but still iffy about riding that much on the road with the drivers around here. Sucks because riding there took as long as driving+setup, so the extra miles are nice. Two little ones at home so try to minimize the time away and any hack to add some extra miles is great.


Two short rides earlier to test what PSI that Peaty’s was happy with. In reverse order:

Each one was a failure with the p’tures reopening up :frowning:

I did contemplate more psi iterations, then I thought feic it, I’d go for 60psi the tyre had styed solid overnight at that. It was fine for about an hour/10 miles and the tyre stayed rock hard, Then it was the same old story.

Came home pumped the tyre up to 60psi again and nearly 4h later its still solid but new ‘Orange’ sealant ordered anyway!


Sevilla :heart:


There was too much snow to ride on singletrack, so I hit the roads. Beautiful day today following the storm yesterday.


Very nice! More snow pics please. :pleading_face: :snowflake:


I just did one of these. Turned back for a different reason.

I thought, TR has me on a red day, but I feel alright, & it’d be nice to get the weekend clear, so I headed out towards the track intending to start Polar Bear -3. Got half a km down the road & realised, if it takes this much effort to sit on 55%, the next 2½h are going to be pretty yuck. So I heeded the :red_circle: & my body & turned back to home.

Then I remembered, what TR doesn’t know is that I did a 9k jog last night that isn’t on strava yet. Yep, call it a rest day. :sweat_smile:


In the winter, I usually ride outside only at the weekends. I’ll post some pics if I ride this coming weekend. It’s going to be a chilly one though!



Currently high-90s here.

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