Who’s doing Sweet Spot Base right now?

Are you doing SSB now, Jan 2021?
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I’m just curious :face_with_monocle:


I’m doing a SS block right now (3/wk), but it’s far from the SSB plan.


Doing my own Sweet Spot base plan. The interval length in the stock plan are too short for me.


I think that is an issue in their plans after you do them for a while.

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Doing my own SSB plan with an extra rest day built in (being virtually 60yo) & having given up waiting for the mythical masters plan to come along.


Doing a version of SSB that Plan Builder presented to me.

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Yep SSBMV 2 - 3 weeks in!

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Sweet Spot Base Low Volume 1, week 3 ending now. Adding a couple Zwift rides each week for fun and more volume. My goal is to test the effects of rigid adherence to structured training. Not much structure to what I have done before.


SSBHV 2. Just finished week 3

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Other: Traditional Base MV1 with added Z2 rides to reach about 11h&500tss/week

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Ive just finished SSB I MV week 4.

Just finish a week 1 of SSB MV 1. Substituting a long Z2 ride for Sunday’s workout. Still wondering if I should design my own SS progression follow Tim Cusick’s and other similar suggestions.

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Shout out to all the hitters doing palisade this week, over unders are your friend :rocket::raised_hands:t2::raised_hands:t2::raised_hands:t2:


Just finished SSB 1 MV Week 5, now recovery weeks starts, then SSB 2.
After some POL experiments, I am back to Plan Builder, but I am following the LSD recommendations in the weekly tips and not the sweetspot intervals on day 5.

So if anybody else will start with SSB 2 on February 1., I’d be happy do have some company during Group Workouts.

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I am. I spend a ton of time in the SSB series, and after repeating SSB 1 & 2 ad nauseum I resort to subbing in different workouts to spice it up a bit. I really wish there was a SSB3 so I could have a bit more variation that is Coach Chad Approved ™.


Could you elaborate on your custom sweet spot base plan?I also can handle longer sweet spot intervals. I just completed a sustained power build (low volume), and expect to see a 2%, maybe 3% increase in FTP.

Even so, I believe I’d be able to handle and would like to do a sweet spot block with longer intervals.

check out the team ‘More Sweet Spot’

tons of custom workouts avaliable there, start with something you know you can do at 90%, Do it twice a week, and then add 5 minutes to the interval length each week. if you are reducing the number of intervals from one week to the next, keep the TIZ the same while dropping one interval. It worked quite well for me. went from 4x15 to 1x103 in 8 weeks.


Do you incorporate any over under and/or VO2max sessions?

I didn’t. I would fill any remaining riding with solid Z2 work, you could maybe add a 3rd SS workout if you don’t have time for longer Z2 riding.

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I’m not using a TR plan, but I’m doing SSB. I didn’t touch the bike in August, and from Sept-Dec did 75% of my training on a Concept 2 erg. A rib stress injury put me back on the bike full time in Jan. Since it had been a while, I’ve slammed some fitness back with four weeks of:

VO2 day (3 to 10min intervals – different stuff to accumulate 20-30min of level 5)
Tempo day
Tempo day
Recovery day
Threshold day (40-60 min of 91-94% FTP)
Tempo Day
Recovery Day

12 hrs/week, started with 700 TSS and finished with an 800 TSS week in week 4. Now for a recovery week.

I didn’t test at the start of the cycle – just rode by PE+HR. Did a 30min test yesterday – 330w, so 15w off last year’s best. I’ll see where I am after another cycle of this mess.