Who wants to see a sweet crit "video/doc"?! Here is it!

Frickin’ awesome. I’m pumped now, and I’m typically an Ironman/triathlon guy. Nothing gets my juices flowing more than a crit though!

background for the first 10 minutes, then awesome race footage at 10:00, 16, 25! if you want to see other threshold heart race inducing videos(at least for me) with mainly bike action, look at his other videos, does some great video on local crits here in Chicagoland. Looks like these guys go up against @Pete & Team Cliff Bar. Pretty sweet!


Look up Red Hook Crit videos. All the above except fixed gear, no brakes. Totally batshit crazy.

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Whoops, missed that one. Thanks.

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That was cool. Thanks for sharing. Mid winter motivation!