I was curious to understand the value of syncing rides to dropbox?
Is it as a backup in case all of your TR history gets lost you can re upload it from your backup in dropbox?
I read something about sharing rides from dropbox but I am not sure I understand how that would work.
Thank you for any clarification as I didn’t want to overlook any additional functionality.
Thank you
Plus, you can use the files in external programs easily. I use the app HealthFit to export my TR file to Strava and to Apple Health with no difficulty.
I like to own and manage my own data. I’ve currently got 12 years worth of files that have all been on various platforms over the years and I like being able to transfer them around to whatever the flavor of the year (or 5) tool is.
Backup and redundancy. I have my wahoo bolt upload there as well. A free account has been enough space for my last 2 years of data, although I did just recently pull down a local copy and cleaned out the Dropbox folders.
Anyway to sync Garmin to dropbox?