Will AI / PL decay account for my illness?

Just got Covid at the end of my rest week. I’ve entered “illness” into the calendar and projected it forward for a few days beyond today.

I’m presuming the software will recognise my time off the bike PLUS the illness notation and decay my PLs accordingly so that when I jump back into training the natural reduction in fitness I’d expect to experience will be to at least some degree accounted for?

Is this a correct interpretation (broadly speaking) or do I need to actively do / input anything else into the system to help it adapt?

I’m accepting and acknowledging that I can and will rate the difficulty for each of my first few workouts back after illness, which will give the system more data to work with.

Objective here is to do as much as I can to help the system adapt my plan appropriately :+1:t2:


For what it’s worth, I have lots of experience being sick (thanks kids-in-daycare). I always end up adjusting the first workout or two after illness quite a bit. The AI does not make any meaningful adjustments for the “illness” tag IMHO. Perhaps they don’t want to try to differentiate between a cold, and something more serious.

I think a neat feature would be to give the AI a hint that you want a transition workout to see how you feel, before getting fully back into the plan. Right now, it seems that’s up to the human…

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I’m sorry to hear that you’ve gotten sick! :persevere:

Adding an illness note to your calendar won’t necessarily speed up the decay of your PLs.

When you’re back to training, if you find that the workouts aren’t in line with your abilities, I’d suggest using Workout Alternates, or TrainNow to find a workout that better suits what you’re looking for. Your PLs will decay over time regardless.

Many athletes choose to take it easy when returning to training (especially after respiratory illness) and using TrainNow to pick Endurance workouts is a simple way to ease back into things.

Let me know if this helps!

Best of luck healing up! :mask: :ramen: :sleeping_bed:

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Thanks - that’s a great explanation :+1:t2:

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If AT is generating plans based upon our input, why is it not adapting when we enter “sickness” for a week?