I remember reading something somewhere, about a new workout creator being developed. Maybe I’m imagining this. I love the TR platform, but not the plans. I thought AT had promise, but haven’t been a fan of that either.
For those of you not following plans, what is the easiest way to create workouts and export to TR?
Workout creator is making it pretty time consuming to create things.
Yep…with the caveat that you can import existing TrainerRoad workouts into Workout Creator & edit them as you see fit. That can be handy for that TR workout that is just almost what you’re looking for but the intervals are just 30s too short…or the rest period is just 45s too long…or whatever…maybe you’d like to just add an interval…or maybe you’d like to just delete an interval. Maybe you want the recover work rate to be 20W higher. Whatever! Workout Creator is handy for that type of stuff.
I contacted support about this same issue on thursday. They had me delete the data file and try again and it still didnt work. Sometimes it gets to 300 and hangs, once it got to 1650, but it has never finished for me. They didnt have an answer in chat but they said they would email a follow up but I have not heard anything yet. I thought it was just me so not worth making noise about. If others are seeing this, can we get this bubbled up for support to take a look at please @IvyAudrain.
As mentioned above, the TrainingPeaks workout creator is fairly functional. Personally, the main issue is lack of smooth ramps - everything is in steps. The workout blocks are pre-structured and fairly simplistic.
I have become a big fan of TrainerDay, which is free for normal functions. It’s text based, but has flexibility in ?syntax? to allow slopes, sets, cadence criteria, workout text etc to be used. Also, quick copy and paste of blocks. Then, full export in chosen file format, push to TP, Garmin (not TR direct) functionality.
As you build a workout, it’s graphed and zone stats, stress, intensity and W’ are all set out. It then assigns a dominant workout type, much as TR does (with fewer types).
Into TR - probably via TP or by downloading and dragging file into TR’s workout creator.
I found the TR workout creator hair-tearingly frustrating as I kept dragging snippets on and affecting the workout steps listed before - overlapping steps etc… I couldn’t quickly review in a tabular format the results and the adjustment roundels didn’t work in the way I expected.
i’ve got a workout creator I made with javascript (https://wattcomp.herokuapp.com/workoutcreator) since I didn’t totally love the TR workout creator and was making custom stuff. Not quite as fully featured as trainerday’s (i don’t have ramping built in yet) but it’s most of the way there. It’s free for anyone to use, no reg required, I also have a DC Rainmaker style power compare on the site, which does require registration to upload, but that’s free too!
Quick question if anyone knows. When making a custom workout, AI has it listed as “not recommended”. Is the default for custom workouts “not recommended” or did I make it too hard?
Presumably, that value is well above your current Progression Level relative to that new workout.
Depending on the workout you made, TR can give some very misleading Levels for some custom workouts, especially if there are high power sprint efforts.