Anyone else find the Workout Creator frequently crashes when you’re creating workouts? I reckon mine crashes 2-3 times per workout creation. Very annoying. And I lose the last couple of steps I’ve done. Any tips? Any hopes of this being improved?
That’s not good. I would try re-installing it. We have a new workout creator coming that is web based. I don’t have an ETA for when that will be released though.
Brew an extra pot of coffee and get the developers going on this
Are you on Windows or Mac? I’ve never had Workout Creator crash on MacBook, latest software always installed. If uninstall/reinstall doesn’t work, the next step would be to remove any cached data and settings (or if that sounds hard, create a new user and try Workout Creator in that new account).
Thanks - good to know there’s an improved version coming. I’ll try reinstalling.
I’m on a MacBook Pro. Only started using the creator in the last 2 months so I assume my version is pretty new. Still, I’ll uninstall and reinstall. There’s no way I’m changing accounts though - would lose too much data history, and also change pricing point.
Sorry I was in a rush
- If you uninstall and reinstall
- and still have a problem
- create a new user account on MacBook
- log into new user account on MacBook and use Workout Creator with existing TR account
- if it works then you need to cleanup up some hidden files on your regular MacBook user account
I helped somebody on the forum with a related problem.
So happy to hear this. !!! Only bc my laptop is ancient and it struggles with the existing one. My work laptop blocks the authentication so I can’t use that either.
Any luck with the install/re-install @PeterYock?
If you continue to have crashing issues, I would recommend reaching out to our Support Team at so that one of our agents can take a deeper look at what is going on
I don’t have any more workouts to create for a couple of weeks - but I’ve reinstalled the workout creator and will let you know when I next get new workouts to create from my coach. Cheers for the support.
Actually I had to go in and tweak a workout I’d incorrectly made this morning. I was only in there a few minutes but it all seems to have worked fine with no crashes. I’ll let you know if that changes.
Hey Bryce, just letting you know I’m still experiencing the multiple crashes each time I create a workout after reinstall. Bummer. The first time it worked fine but now it’s back to crash habits. Let me know if you’re after any more details.
Hey @PeterYock,
I’m really sorry to hear that. Unfortunately, this topic is a bit outside of my area of expertise, so I would recommend reaching out to the Support Team and letting them know what steps we’ve tried thus far, and that your problem has persevered our preliminary troubleshooting steps.
You can reach them at if you haven’t already . Good luck, and I’m sorry I couldn’t be of more help.