Workout length and progression levels

I wonder if I have gotten this wrong but. If I ride 1 hour out of a 1 1/2 hour workout and stop due to lack of time my progression doesn’t change because I stoped. But if I do the same workout but in a shorter description I do get a rise in progression levels. To me that sounds strange and seems as a fault in the AI. Am I wrong?


You didn’t finish the workout… so it won’t score it… but the good news is your body isn’t a computer and did! You can always take mental note of the shorter workout PL and try an alternate in that range next time.


But then it has nothing to do with AI. But just a simple pre established progression?

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The shorter workout will have a higher workload (tss/if) in the total hour than the first hour of the same progression level of a 1.5+ hr workout. The % of ftp might be higher, less rest, longer intervals…etc, it’s basically condensing the work to a smaller time frame.

You should be able to do the first hour of a 90min ride at your current PL without too much trouble, but then will start feeling more substantial fatigue in the last 30mins and that fatigue will likely cause you to mark it moderate or above. So it makes sense that if you quit when it’s still rather easy (even if it’s simply for time constraints), then you don’t get a PL bump. Otherwise it’d be easy to game the system, choose 2hr workouts, do the first hour and your PLs would keep going up and up while you only do half the work.