It’s that time of year time to start getting ready for the 4th (!!!) Annual World Wide Disaster Day!
It is VERY early doors for the usual announcement - in fact, I’m pleased to actually start putting things together earlier than the past few years - but I wanted to get the ball rolling early. In years past, I’ve had some amazing people contributing their time, talent and ideas to making each WWDD happen. This brings me to the first point of the WWDD planning season - I need help!
If you’re willing to help contribute to the planning, organisation and communication for WWDD, please get in touch. Suggestions and ideas are always welcome, but many of them need support to happen. If you’re willing and able to help, please get in touch via PM and we can get the ball rolling. Really, the amount of work in is relatively easy, but it’s a bit hard to manage it all on my lonesome.
As always, WWDD will take place in mid-December and (ideally) we’ll have t-shirts for sale with all proceeds going to charity. Previously, the money has gone to World Bicycle Relief, but with the various situations around the world, I’d like to open the possibility of supporting other charities if there is enough interest.
So, if you want to help, get in touch! Otherwise, let’s start the public conversation about what we’d like WWDD to be this year! It’s always been a community led event, and I want to continue that principle!
I hope to ride this year, and may be able to help a bit as well. Depends on another item I may be taking on this winter, so I hope to know as I get around late Oct/Nov.
Did it for the first time last year and it was a ton of fun. My girlfriend designed a tee for the event which is on spring tee as well. 100% proceeds are going to World Bicycle Relief currently.
Just to mention this for people not familiar with this silly event. There are 3 versions of Disaster that range from just over 2 hours to just over 4 hours ride time. Same basic efforts and all are worth a try depending on your availability and interest in testing yourself.
Yeah, the regular version is a very tough challenge, but doable. One needs to prepare well to be mentally, physically and otherwise ready for it, that’s for sure.
One possible way to prepare is try the -2 version about 6 weeks (or however long) away from the event. If -2 is manageable (I think most find it is), consider -1 or even the full.
This is my year! In past years, I struggled with COVID, inadequate training space, etc. but I have the perfect bike room and I’ll do my best to avoid the COVIDs this time.