Xert Adaptive Training now includes Outdoor Rides

Thank you MadTuna,

This is very helpful, I want to stress that I joined TR in 2018 - and although I am talking Xert now does not mean I am killing my TR subscription at all.

I think that TR needs to listen to these talks and see what users are saying and what they are missing out or have an advantage over or even why some of the customer base is moving on or considering.

I think that TR might want to consider a system like Xert for people who do have the equipment to be analyzed every time they ride and then AI predicts/helps.

The thread Here is talking a lot of “xert” like modifications that Ivy is discussing.

I think the TR forum is a great place to lay it out and say this is x, y, z and that’s why I like it and then reaction or updates can be theorized from that.

That’s my thought, your not ever on top but consistently fighting for it.

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