Zwift Integration (Xert got there 2nd)

Then why would xert do it? They’re also a competitor.

You could just turn auto-pause off :grin:

I’m not too fussed by this this zwift integration - me likes me some blue bars - but choice is always good.

More integration is better for us, i’m just bringing up that TR needs to position themselves correctly (as I believe they have) because there will be a crowd (both directions) that leverages this new era of Zwift plugins to try other apps, and there will subsequently be people that dont want to continue paying multiple subscriptions for similar applications.

I’d be extremely interested in new user acquisition data over the 12 months after launch of this connector. measure those that immediately paired with Zwift, then those whose connections severed because they stopped paying for that service and effectively ‘transitioned’ to TR.

Measuring churn of those who sync with zwift after being long time TR customers and then dont renew TR is another metric to pay attention to.

Crunchbase suggests TR has up to 10x the profit of xert - they are in different places. Feel free to disagree with my next point, but I place Zwift and Xert on opposite ends of the ‘hardcore cyclist’ scale. If you’re on Xert - you’re fully aware of Zwift and recognize it doesnt have what you need. I place TR between the two where there could be a bit more temptation to go either direction.

To answer your question, Xert will benefit from putting its name anywhere at this point just to grow userbase.


But that continues the timer, so if your phone rings before two minutes before the interval starts, you miss the interval, so the choice becomes either, don’t record that you took a 10 minute break, or don’t do the interval :grin:

I want to record if I took longer rest intervals between :grin:

With Zwift I can do both, keep the timer running and record if I paused the workout :grin:

But that’s just one of the reason that I listed why I prefer using the Zwift workout player

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True, so are you telling us that TR are lying to use when they tell us that it’s coming soon ?

Or the TR shouldn’t do what they are telling us they are going to do

Why wouldn’t this be true for TrainerRoad as well? (I’ve never used Xert.)

I’m sorry to have to tell you that “on the roadmap” in software product speak does not mean coming soon. :smiley:

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To quote Nate, “when they launch their API” :grin:

Based on the roadmap comment above, that plan seems to have changed.

The only person talking about roadmaps in this thread is you

I shared, which I agree, i miss have miss understood Nate when he said “when they launch”


Sorry didn’t realise it was in a seperate topic.

Maybe Zwift is deciding who it “launches” its API to and when?

Rather than launching it to all & sundry simultaneously.

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I think TR would be more likely to lose customers to xert if they don’t integrate than they would to zwift if they do.

Zwift are the stand out bike simulator software company with little competition - it’s the training software customers that are being disrupted by this move.

Zwift as a stand alone product doesn’t come close to the others as a training program and if anything this decision by zwift to open up the API means that they think it will drive in more users than improving their own workouts.


Lying feels like a harsh word --This isn’t the next Theranos. There is just prioritization that happens with development and go to market with these types of things that likely hasn’t been baked. When other companies make announcements, it forces those in the same circle to make a statement on go / no-go. Nate has confirmed its a go, though the details are scarce, rightfully so, they have been working on RLGL, now weight training, etc. I don’t expect them to drop everything and spike a Zwift integration just because its a talking point right now. They’ll do it right, at their own pace.

Random idea for one of the podcasts @Jonathan: Meet and greet with any of the dev team? I’d be interested in hearing about backgrounds of folks that are a bit more behind the scenes at TR. Always love the business chat that Nate brings to the table.

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This actually seems like a pretty solid roll-out plan to me (from someone who spent many years doing software delivery). Start with a small, niche application to integrate with, work out the bugs and issues with a smaller, less vocal crowd, then scale up a bit more to something like Xert.

If you went too quickly with something the size of the TR use base, you’d risk a lot more issues and a lot more angry people badmouthing both TR and Zwift on the Internet. I’d assume TR probably has an integration in testing, but it’s very possible neither side is quite ready to roll it out yet.

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It doesn’t seem to be a problem for TriDot or Exert. An overwhelming number of TrainerRoad users/subscribers also use/subscribe to Zwift. I hardly think that "churn would be a problem.

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Got a link that shows where this came from?

I just hope it happens before year end.
Any TR employees watching, feel free to chime in :slight_smile:
It would be class.
Fingers crossed I guess. :crossed_fingers:t2:

I would guess it’s zwift going with the slow and steady integration rather than TR holding it up?

I’m thinking of it in TR development terms as Beta (Tridot); Early Access (Xert); Launch (TrainerRoad).

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