The “riot” thread has died off. Long weekend. Middle of winter (sorry southern hemisphere, go play rugby or something). I say cross post and let 'er rip.
I seem to remember some discussion around that, but not enough clarity to offer anything specific without finding the comments.
Yeah, it was the first time I remember hearing that. At the same time though, he recently said he didn’t see himself ever retiring. And he also said in the new Podcast that this stuff still really excites him.
Maybe we’re hearing little hints here and there and not putting together the big picture. I could speculate, but that’s all it would be.
This is great clickbait for a YouTube video. Anyone know a 'tuber? Point them at this thread!
edit: I can hear your voice now: Newsflash! Breaking News ! Pardon the Interruption! This Just In!
Get on it, Shane! I’ll be watching!
Get on it man!!!
You need a new thing to bitch about since some tennis bloke just got the boot again, right?
My speculation is that youll get a full Zwift access, obviously. Also the ability to use AT from TrainerRoad at its current level, with the exception of certain new features that are coming soon. Then for those who only use TrainerRoad, we would get the other new things coming like; red light, green light, a more customizable Plan builder, hrv, sleep data etc.
That’s how I see it would happen but who knows and I’m sure both parties would benefit.
I heard stock for the big P is in the tank too. Get that rumor mill fired up!
I’m offended. I identify as a LLAMA, not a YouTuber.
I’m 1/2 way into a video about a few other things today.
Stir that pot Shane lol
Zwift could use help on product and engineering to actually deliver stuff users want in less than 372 years. A TR acquisition could help on some of that.
My ideal training platform would be TR + Zwift if you rip and replace with a graphics and physics engine that don’t look like a bad circa 2003 video game. Not sure if Zwift is trying to grow the serious cyclist segment (smaller) or the spin/Peloton/fitness/lifestyle segment (bigger). A TR acquisition would make sense to support the first.
Interesting to see that most of the people there are showing no interest and complaining about adding TR for $3.
No kidding. I thought that would be super hot topic.
Might just be a Friday thing with people out playing already?
Just from a competition spurs innovation perspective I think this is a good thing for sure. If it’s decent and does a good job.
But I really think Zwift needs to update their UI, user config, and a bunch other stuff that plagues their system. It’s goofy that Zwifthacks and other sites like Zwift power before the acquisition needed to exist to make certain things just useable.
I should be able to set up a bike profile for example. Sign up for future events easily within the app weeks out etc. since there’s no competition really here on the “gaming” side, Zwift doesn’t feel they need to innovate.
Now that TR and potentially others are using AI/ML to workouts, now you see Zwift responding here.
Maybe you could use a headline shot of like the two logos crushed together, a lightning strike and a really fake aghast expression and face palm?
It all adds credibility.
I occasionally go back to Zwift to mix it up and my reaction every time is “oh. Same UI I guess”
Exciting times for sure. Although even if there was some type of merger or licencing, I’m still not sure I’d want to cancel my grandfathered early years TR subscription, sentimentality has its price.
I watch Shane’s videos like I do Netflix. Good entertainment when TV sucks.