Zwift "Premium", TR Merger or Add-In speculation

I’ll preface this with a ginormous “if”, but if Zwift could implement all these features and TR does increase the price, I could see a big migration to Zwift. You look at those features and think, well TR has these features, but now Zwift has these features plus racing and various worlds to ride in. Like I said that’s a big “if”, but if somebody new is comparing the two and Zwift is offering the video game aspect, I could see a lot of business going their way, especially if TR does implement a price increase. I did the TR + Zwift at the same time for a while to break up the monotony, so if I could have one platform to pay for rather than two, why not?


I’ve run a zwift-Tr combo for many years

I really have come to hate zwift. The ui, the marketing, the dated graphics, and janky features. I’ve come to decide it’s not my thing and won’t be. Cancelled it this month.

A full on partnership makes sense by my gut tells me this won’t end well. Zwifs sole goal is to go public then cash out. My only suggestion would be to make sure you have good lawyers when you draft that partnership agreement


Personally I wouldn’t go to Zwift for AT or the other features that are been mooted. I run/ride so I’m never going to be in the majority target group. I ride too much outdoors and race on zwift for it to be useful (as it currently doesn’t adapt) to unstructured rides. AT certainly doesn’t account for running. I can sense some TR staff are sweating at the prospect of being asked to adapt for multisports when they haven’t even managed unstructured ride yet!!

I don’t subscribe all year round to zwift, only for a few months over winter and use it for racing and group rides however I have been paying $189 annually for TR.

IF they bought out TR and brought across their trianing plans and integrated them I might pay for zwift all year. However I doubt that will happen so in Feb when my subscription to TR expires I’ll not be renewing and instead using my own set up for training - simply because it doesn’t fit my own training and interests.



I’ve got it all figured out.

FACT: Nate said he wouldn’t raise legacy pricing while he was on charge.
FACT: Nate was testing the waters about raising prices $5 a month and seemed broken up about it.
FACT: Zwift is surveying members about a $5 price raise.
FACT: Nate is buying Zwift and incorporating AT into the platform but legacy users won’t get the 2003 graphics. Also, Nate is part of the flat Earth conspiracy and obviously a lizardman.


I’m looking forward to seeing how this all plays out and hopefully it’s a big win for the cycling community.



I needed that in general, but was extra good in mid SS interval :stuck_out_tongue:

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A comment from @Nate_Pearson on this topic would be nice. :slight_smile:

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He commented regarding legacy pricing… realized it was a bit much, lol. So he deleted it. I read it and thought it was fine however some could take it the wrong way.

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So what did he say?

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Once again, TR leads…Zwift follows. Just like with the ramp test. I wonder if that’s a bullet on their strategy presentation to Zwift investors?

  • Product development → TrainerRoad product plus 6 to 9 months.

To be fair, that’s what all the Xert people are saying about AT

I’m a firm believer that competition is good. Bring it on!


Excellent point.


Just so I’m not misunderstood, I think TR knocked it out of the park and I much prefer it to Xert (I’ve tried it). I just wanted to point out that I think a good company will recognize when they are lagging the competition and attack it. Clearly Zwift knows their training plans are weak, so I commend them for discussing either licensing or partnering with the best of the best.


Nate asked to let that comment die so I’ll respect that. In summary, Nate gave examples of what level of expectations/entitlements an individual legacy user had relative to hypothetical TR improvements. He quickly realized the Internet forum is not the space for such a discussion.


Yeah, but what does Dylan think? That’s the question that’s not being answered…


Zwift is acquiring Xert.


Is this a fact or a guess? Got a link?

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That everyone who isn’t him has got it wrong? :thinking:


He’s no longer doing/touting polarized training and is now doing Pyramidal training, lol. I though polarized was the answer for everything and everyone :person_shrugging:t4:.