I do not recommend a ketogenic diet for cyclists
However, if you should choose to ignore this advice, then you might find my current approach interesting. I’ve been doing keto for ~3.5 years for medical reasons.
First, let’s hear from Coach Chad:
Ketogenic adaptation is a lifestyle which dictates which sort races you can then do.
Figure out how you can tailor you athletic lifestyle to work with your keto adapted dietary practice.
Ask a Cycling Coach: Episode 140: https://youtu.be/-EYWZFelBeI?t=1980
Given Coach Chad’s advice above, I have tailored my TrainerRoad experience to work to suit.
First of all, here (in my opinion) is the keto adapted TrainerRoad user’s hierarchy of needs (most to least important):
- Ketogenic diet/lifestyle.
- Regular & consistent TrainerRoad workouts
- Compliance with TrainerRoad workouts
- Becoming a faster cyclist
Or to put it another way, you must accept the following truth if you wish to be a cyclist doing structured training whilst following a ketogenic diet:
I am choosing to prioritise a dietary practice over becoming a faster cyclist. If I can make both happen at the same time that is a nice bonus, but it’s not my expectation.
Now that we understand where our priorities lie, we can then start talking about how to make a ketogenic diet and TrainerRoad work together. Here is my approach in accordance with the hierarchy of needs outlined above:
- Optimise for consistency, not volume. Yes, this applies to all TR users but it’s worth repeating (and it’s number 2 on our hierarchy). You want to do the lowest volume plan that will give you the most consistency. For me that is the LOW volume plan with an added outside ride and a Baxter if I can squeeze it in because Nate is awesome.
- Sweet spot base 1 & 2 on repeat. I have found it difficult to comply with any of the build or speciality plans. Compliance is number 3 on our hierarchy so I choose to optimise for that over doing build or speciality for the FTP gainz.
- Replace threshold workouts with equivalent sweet spot workouts. Another modification for compliance. Threshold workouts are difficult to comply with and tend to throw my plan off course if I do too many of them. Instead I find the equivalent sweet spot workout. For example, Lamarck is a 4x10 threshold workout, I replace with Antelope -5 which is a 4x10 sweet spot workout.
- Recovery week every 4 weeks instead of 6. There’s a TR thread about this.
- Keep the Tuesday VO2max workouts. Be fresh. No workouts on Mondays. This is perhaps the most important workout of the week.
- After your VO2max day, have a day off or if feeling good do Baxter for LOLs
- Electrolytes are important. 1 stock/bouillon cube in boiling water 30 mins before each workout. Stir in a teaspoon of coconut oil if you are wanting/needing to increase dietary fats.
- No fasted workouts. I tried it. I lost too much weight. They might work for you. They don’t for me.
- Test regularly with a blood ketone meter. If you do this then you can start experimenting with taking on small amounts of carbs. The gym-bro’s call it “targeted keto”.
- Let your outside ride be as fun and as much of a smash-fest as you like. Going all out is your reward for keeping a lid on things during the week.
AFAQ (Anticipated Frequently Asked Questions)
- You’re doing SSB on repeat, how do you expect to “become a faster cyclist”?
- See hierarchy of needs above. Becoming a faster cyclist is last on the list.
- You are not doing any threshold workouts, how do you expect to “become a faster cyclist”?This text will be hidden
- See hierarchy of needs above. Becoming a faster cyclist is last on the list.
- Keto sucks. Carb TFU. Durianrider for life.
- See first line of this post. I don’t recommend keto for cyclists. If you choose to do keto anyway, then the above blueprint may give you a headstart on your TR journey.
- Sean Sako says keto is awesome.
- That’s good for him, but I personally can’t wait to get the hell off this diet one day.
- I do keto and I don’t have to modify the TR plans.
- That’s great, I’m jelly. Please share your blueprint or any tips you have.