Bedtimes / wake times

Whats your bed time, sleep time and get up time?

Im struggling to sleep in, but i think it’s since stopping working shifts i regularly get up for work at 6:15 latest (or as early as 5:30) and get in bed for 9 latest, sleep by 10 absolute latest.

I wish i could sleep in longer but im assuming as long as i’m getting circa 8hrs then its not a big deal. Having said that - when i wake up for a pee i do sometimes struggle to go back to sleep.

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My times are similar, 9:30 -10 and up at 6 unless I have a earlier ride. I have 2 sleep apps and have done a small amount of research but my understanding is that you go to bed and sleep at consistent times.

Waking for a pee is a tricky one but I try to not drink anything for an hour or 2 before bedtime and make sure when I go before bed… I go.

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Why do you want to sleep longer and what do you think it will do for you? As long as you’re giving yourself the time to sleep as long as your body wants/needs, getting more sleep won’t be beneficial. Also, if you’re waking to use the bathroom I’d give it 3+ hours of avoiding drinking before bed or further regulating the amount you drink.

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I get 6-7 hours of sleep every night on average. No matter what time I lay down, I’ll be up at 5:30-6.
I used to stress about getting more sleep but gave up on that. I have energy throughout the day, I’m improving fitness wise and don’t need to have more stress about the “perfect amount of sleep”.

This was a good eye opening video for me;


Bed some time between 8-9, read a book for 10 mins or so, fall asleep almost as soon as my head touches the pillow. Up some time between 4-5.

Worked for a company that had ~7 am meetings for 25 years, and as a result, I can’t sleep any later than that, so I go to bed early.


I’m asleep at 10pm, and wake up at 6am. some nights are better than others, as far as sleep quality.

Having said that, the most important thing is ending your day at the same time, and waking at the same time. If I want to “sleep in” (like over the holidays or on vacation), I try to make the extra sleep no more than an hour.

the rest of my family (22 y.o. and 19 y.o. daughters, and wife who doesn’t work) make fun of me…but THEY are the ones who are always complaining about sleep issues.

like so many things, consistency is king. Isn’t that the TR mantra??


Last night bedtime was 20:00.

Wake up at 03:20.

I shall not be rising at 03:20 tomorrow. :rofl:


when lucky I go to bed at 9. Wake up at 4:15 most days…

In bed 10:30 to 11pm. Up at 7-7:30am.
I have never used an alarm clock but can wake up at a specific time if required. Someone imbedded a clock into my brain.

Yeah, all good points and nice to see people are in similar boats.

I think it just annoys me when I don’t go straight back off to sleep after a mid - night wake up.

Bed at 9.30pm to 10.30pm, wake up at 6.30 to 7am. At weekends I sometimes sleep to 8am.
I definitely recover much better when sleep is closer to 9 hours than 7.

Just wait. I’ve reached an age where I celebrate when I ONLY wake up once! And that’s even with cutting off all liquid 2 hours before bed.


Wake up: 4:45 AM

Alarm goes off at this time 6 days a week. But it’s one of those sunrise-type alarm that starts getting light 15 minutes before it goes off. So sometimes I’ll wake up and be out of bed between 4:30-4:40. Goal is to be on the bike or trainer by 5:15 AM (I’ve got two little ones so I like to try and get most of my riding in before they get up)

Bedtime: typically 9-9:30pm

My goal is in bed with lights out by 9. But sometimes it’s too busy doing stuff around the house and I’m not in bed until 9:45. Occasionally I’m exhausted by 8 and just hit the sheets about then. I feel best if I am getting at least 7-7.5 hrs of sleep which also puts me in a good spot of my sleep cycle when I wake up

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I need to be better with my sleep routine. Generally in bed its

Sun/Mon 11pm-8am WfH
Mon/Tues 10:10pm-6:10am - Office
Tues/Wed 11pm-8am WfH
Wed/Thu 11pm-8am WfH
Thu/Fri 10:10pm-6:10am - Office
Fri/Sat 10/11:15pm-7:15am - Group Ride
Sat/Sun 11:40pm-7:40am - Group Ride

I spend too much time awake in bed browsing the phone though :face_with_diagonal_mouth:

I track on my Apple Watch and just checked and appear pretty consistent (as a whole) month to month and year to year.

I love if I can get 8 hrs of sleep but that’s pretty rare. As long as I get a good 7 hours I’m content, but usually target for 7.5hrs.

My bed time and awake time vary a bit. I go into the office M/W so usually take those days off training. I may stay up til 10:30 and wake up at 6, to be in the office by 7:30ish, taking my time.

Training days depends what time I have meetings on the other 3 days I work from home. If I have a 7:30 am meeting I’ll try and cycle from 5:45>7:15ish, quick shower then hop on my meeting. On those days I just go to bed earlier to target my 7.5 hrs.

My watch is set for a 7 hr target and every morning when I get up it’ll tell me “you hit your sleep target xx/14 days.” I love when that number is 14 and it stays there fairly consistently. Currently at 11 or 12 as I just caught a cold and had a couple rough nights camping. Often while camping in our trailer I can get 8.5>9 hrs, which I can never do at home.

Quitting drinking has helped sleep quality, also take zzquil most nights

Not sure what you do, but I make every effort not to look at my clock, phone, etc. if I pee I don’t turn on lights and my wife/I also won’t shut doors between our bedroom/attached bath at night, or flush (assuming we just peed) all to keep everything as quiet and less distracting as possible. All of those things could provide a little noise/light stimulation to make it harder to get back down.

We currently have a 3 month old in a bassinet with us, but we do those things long before he came along for better sleep.

I feel this deeply.



I wish I was able to be more consistent. I’m a firefighter so I work 24hrs on/48 off. We have bunk time but usually wake up 2-3 times for calls that last on average 25-30 minutes. About once a month, we’ll get a big fire or some major call in the middle of the night and only get 1-2 hrs of sleep total.

I try to make up for it and sleep with no alarm on my first night off so like 10:30 to 7 or 8 AM

My second night off I usually do 10-530.

So a 3 day cycle of
4-8 hrs
8-10 hrs
7ish hrs

Not exactly ideal.

Also, I wake up and pee at least once every night :sob:

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Since I have two small kids (and am 40, so sleep deprivation is much more problematic than in your 20s → don’t postpone having kids), I practice “going to bed with kids”.

This saved me from a lot of terrible days, since I got 9 bed hours on paper (from 8pm to 5am). Needing 7h of sleep, I have 2 hours that can go to waste, if you discount the sleep disruptions which happen anyway with small children.

Now, I go to bed at 8pm and wake up at 4:30am, since my daughter is starting to sleep more consistently.

The biggest obstacle in going to sleep early for me was the urge to stuff something “relaxing” in the evening, like watching the old Hercules or Xena series. It was just a conditioned behaviour and therefore could be eliminated by retraining.

However, I miss reading in the evening, especially since I don’t have any reading times other than my big business on the toilet (which also turned into a team sport event, since my daughter decided to join me regularly to have a talk)