I tested the same scan of the same rider/bike (5’7" 145lbs rider, size 51 felt breed with fox sus fork and dropper) with a variety of different wheelset combos, all with 45mm tires + 40mm external rim width, but with varying rim depths (I also enjoy making 3D art, and threw together the above quick animation showcasing the models, red is slowest to green which is fastest).
I’m the creator of the site, https://wind-tunnel.ai, which has gone from only an idea (which I first mentioned here, when it was barely a concept) of a quick “20 second video of a cyclist on a trainer to a 3D model to an Aerodynamic Drag test (using CFD)”, to a full on beta service!
Testing around 22.6mph/36.4 km/h (10m/s wind at 7.5 degree yaw approximates to 22.6mph “effective” frontal wind velocity) deriving both the CdA (smaller is better) and “Watts it takes to sustain said speed, not accounting for drivetrain loss/rolling resistance” in the “Wind Tunnel”:
(That’s just a stylized render I made in a program called “Blender3D”, I am testing the same bike/rider models though, the real CFD test in OpenFoam just uses a big boring rectangular prism)
Depth Front | Depth Rear | CdA | Watts (needed to sustain “sustain” 22.6mph/ 36.4 km/h) |
17mm | 17mm | 0.272027 | 170.967 |
60mm | 17mm | 0.270629 | 170.088 |
60mm | 60mm | 0.264655 | 166.334 |
60mm | 180mm | 0.263797 | 165.795 |
60mm | Full Disc | 0.263488 | 165.600 |
180mm | Full Disc | 0.257849 | 162.056 |
Full Disc | Full Disc | 0.238443 | 149.860 |
Now for the whacky one, I couldn’t help myself…
I tested a REVERSE MULLET Double Disc Wheelset!
26in aero gravel disc in front and 34in aero gravel disc in back!
CdA: 0.231983
Watt: 145.800
Here are some shots from a visualization tool, ParaView after testing:
Note: I tested more than these, and some are pictures from “both sides”.
17mm depth, both wheels
60mm front, 180mm rear
60mm front, full disc rear
other side of the last one.
Now we’re getting a bit silly, but don’t you want to know?? 180mm front, full disc rear.
TWO DISCS, 40mm wide, with 45mm tires! The DREAM, fast, unstable, and what… could… be faster and more unstable… hmmm…
THE REVERSE MULLET, 26in aero gravel disc in the front and 34in aero gravel disc in the rear!
4.06 watts faster at mortal-ish speeds! 10/10 don’t recommend though…
So, there you have it, I post experiments like this occasionally on the site’s brand new Insta https://www.instagram.com/windtunnel_ai/
This was like 2 days worth of effort (fine, I didn’t need to make cool one-off animations and renders, but, I couldn’t help myself).
I hope you enjoy the results.