CycleOps Hammer: Problems with TrainerRoad Interaction

Here is a place for CycleOps Hammer users to voice issues with TrainerRoad interaction, especially with regards to ERG mode and Powermatch. Hopefully there can be a fix made to firmware on either end to improve the quality of use.

Not had any issues with mine… some were discussed here I would like to take a hammer to my Cycleops Hammer right now! and were solved by calibrating with the rouvy app. Not aware of any current issues between hammer and TR interaction?

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My Hammer and TR get along great. No issues on my end.

Given @Nate_Pearson has said it’s his trainer of choice on the podcast (correct me if I’m wrong?) I find it hard to believe there’s a fundamental issue at either end

I do all my rides on a hammer and I haven’t had a single problem.

How old is your hammer? Have you tried updating firmware? Are you connecting on Bluetooth?

What platform are you on? What power meter do you have?

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Ditto to fine function with my Hammer. I have used it with and without Powermatch and it works fine. Primarily on PC with ANT+ connection.

As mentioned by Nate, @bhrylski should provide more info so we can look into the issue. Have you reported your issues to support on both sides (TR & CycleOps)?

They need specific info in order to look into the issues.

I’m not sure how old the Hammer is but I am up to date on firmware, TrainerRoad on the PC with an ant+ dongle. My power meter is a quarq dfour. I have recently learned that the TR calibration is supposedly not the best for the hammer so I will try Rouvy calibration for my upcoming workout.

I just wish it would spin down quicker when going from 180 power to 80 as that gets a little tricky and I have to switch from ERG to Resistance (and adjust) for a minute or two. I don’t necessary think this is a Hammer issue as they all have fly wheels that get to spinning quickly after an interval session.

I am very curious what the new firmware drop will be by CycleOps and if it will let us calibrate with TR vs Rouvy, again I can’t complain as the other indoor program does not let you calibrate what so ever.

Get past the spin down issue by slowing my cadence between 3-2 seconds of the interval finishing… the resistance from the ERG setting with the current interval normal slows it down enough in time for the low power part which normally kicks in between 2-1 seconds of the interval finishing…


Updade: Just did calibration with Rouvy and proceeded to do an LSCT warmup and things felt better. Fingers crossed that this is the solution but time will tell.


If you’re using PowerMatch I’d just not calibrate the hammer.


One option to try (if you aren’t already doing it) is to use the small ring (or lower gear in general) for ERG mode. This spins the flywheel slower and allows it to slow sooner as a result. Also, the resistance unit is usually more responsive in the slower gearing.

Ditto about riding with the small chainring. The flywheel spins too fast on the big chainring. The only time I go the large chainring is when I’m on Zwift and in sim mode i.e. not doing a workout in ERG mode.

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So do you need a power meter and power match to use the hammer with TR? Or can u use it without a power meter just fine after calibrating it with Rouvy?

Also do all workouts in the small front chain ring?

How loud is it in comparison to a neo, flux or flux s, or kicker 17, kicker core?

Thank you.

You don’t need a power meter. You can calibrate it using the TR app. It’s fairly quiet but noisier than the Neo.

My experience is that workouts are best done on the small chaining and about a 15 on the back.

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Thank you for the response. I thought I read in other threads that tr cannot calibrate the trainer?

I’ve found the TR calibration of my hammer prone to “failed to calibrate”. I use Rouvy now.

I read somewhere, either here or the hammer users facebook group that cycleops reckon it doesn’t need calibrating every workout. fwiw Since I read that, i’ve tended to go for a weekly calibration in rouvy, normally after an easy TR workout.

You don’t need to use power match. Just use the power reading coming from the hammer. I beleive Nate mentioned “no need to calibrate” because if you were using power match, you would be taking your power reading from another device, e.g. quarq/stages… and TR would change resistance to ensure that power target is met from that device. Calibration wouldn’t then be a concern.

Power match is used so your inside power readings would also match your outside power reading, because you would be using the same "bike attached’ power meter. If this isn’t required, there is no need to use power match.

Obviously if you are using the hammer power reading, to ensure it is accurate you would do a calibration…recommend via rouvy.


I wanted to add my experience with Powermatch and a Hammer v1 which as been very good.

I am using a Stages left side power meter. I calibrate the Hammer with Rouvy and the Stages with the Stages app. Connection is via Ant+ running TrainerRoad on a Windows 10 laptop. I use the small ring and a mid-cassette cog.

The power matches the workout perfectly. Interval beginning and endings are spot on. No lags etc. Power line is not quite as smooth as it was with the Hammer but of course that is due to the Hammer smoothing the data. The power line is still quite smooth though.

All in all - it is working just fine for me.

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A thread nearly as old as my Hammer 1… Twice now during TR in zwift workouts my H1 has just dropped completely (no LED or anything) until an unplug and replug and then all fine for the rest of the workout. While I had occasional drops in TR only, it reconnected itself.

So zwift issue, or dying H1 and I just accept it’s time to start budgeting for an upgrade?