Cycling Memes and Jokes

And now arrested


Here in America we call it “tailgating.” :rofl:


I can only assume that’s the reason, but who knows. In America we also call that ‘claiming your 15 minutes of fame’. :flushed: :roll_eyes: :person_facepalming:

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Oh, ok. Yeah that doesn’t match any of the reported facts, I misread your post as stating the reason not a total guess. Thanks for clarifying!

Well, not really a total guess. They had to know they were being recorded, so ‘fame’? Either way, any which way, it’s really stupid. I just hope the authorities can keep up with these miscreants and keep arresting, charging, and convicting them. If they fail, tours everywhere are/could be in trouble…

People do dumb stuff when drunk. But this is a memes and jokes thread. Discuss this in the pro cyclist thread please. Thx


I think we need some more memes :grin:


More wisdom from Reddit.


I was really looking for a pahsed plasma rifle in a 40 watt range. :man_shrugging:t2:



An old one I think, but still tickling me.



Some cyclists around here were talking about carrying a small handgun. After being road raged, in a group ride which was great timing, I could see it being useful. But cyclists carrying will only make it that much more likely that people (knuckle dragging idiots) will declare open season on us… (But according to the local prosecuting attorney, it is against the law to shoot a gun from a bicycle. :flushed: :person_shrugging: :roll_eyes:)

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Not in my 'Murica!



The combination of track and gravel geometry obvs. Designer should be shot from his own creation.


Shooting from a vehicle laws are probably blanket coverage of any vehicle. FWIW, I don’t carry; I worry more about the unintended consequences, YMMV.

I think bear spray would be a better option.

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Uno-X team reveals new support vehicle for final week of Tour de France.

Word on the street is they are looking to hire the bus driver from the now defunct Orica Green Edge team.


Throwback joke
Love it


Except against a car, a truck, especially a speeding version of either/both.

The two biggest road incidents that I witnessed were the cranky old man that would try to pass a group of cyclists, pull up even with them, and then slowly push them off the road. The other was a youngling, obviously on some drug or internal turmoil that slammed in his brakes after passing and then slammed in reverse and made us all dive for the ditch. The idiot did it 3 times too! AND he had a passenger, and both were laughing hysterically.

The former was eventually caught IRL, and nearly lost his driver license, but the later was never caught to my knowledge.

Yes, bikers shooting, even just in the air, would be an escalation that could go horribly wrong, but the number of idiots that do that and get away with it only to do it again is crazy. We have a 3-foot passing law, and I STILL have gotten passed with inches to spare. One guy was bumped by a car and the driver stopped and confronted the cyclist and was yelling about them having a camera and the driver wanted to seize it. BECAUSE HE DIDN’T WANT TO BE HELP ACCOUNTABLE.

Just last night, the wife and I were traveling down a well bicycled road and saw a group of people and a couple cars stopping in the oncoming lane, and they were crowded around something at the side of the road. I said ‘I hope it’s not a cyclist’, and the wife gasped. We had to take a right on another road just to get through. I sure hope it wasn’t a cyclist, but the chances are it could have been… THAT is the state of cycling in this area, and this country.

Bear spray would only work for the jerk trying to seize evidence of his crime. But I’m actually surprised there aren’t as many cyclists being shot from cars. I’ve had garbage and even an open beer can thrown at me from passing cars. War has been declared by some incredibly stupid humans. Thank Ford it’s as rare as it is, but depends on region I’m sure…

Instead of a gun, maybe carry a marine boat horn? Wouldn’t that be a shock, possibly…

At least there’s no chance of toe overlap.