Cycling Memes and Jokes

Read the article and the first set of comments


They shouldn’t be. It’s a separate Strava category. You can actually report people for it.


Just put your Garmin in your car and drive his segments at 50 mph . Call the ride “First Day with New E-bike”
In notes say “I’m joking”


report it.

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Someone did forgot to turn their Edge off before putting it on their vehicle. The ride was eventually deleted, making some people joke about their performance, and that was before the emerging ubiquity of the e-bike genre.

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Lol, That reminds me of when I got knocked off in London 11 years ago. After 95 odd cycling miles, I made the mistake of going round the block and got hit as I started my 2nd loop. Long story shortened, the next few miles were spent in the back of an ambulance. It was the days before cropping on the phone so I titled it something like, ‘Finished in the back of an Ambulance and to be cropped on the PC tomorrow night’. Before I could do that someone ‘sad’ had flagged it because I temporarily took a 4th place.

Coincidentally some poor bloke took one of my KOM’s that way a couple of years before, and my first instinct was to ask if he was OK. He offered straight away to crop it (so I knew he was OK) but my response was, ‘don’t worry about that just now and get other things sorted first’.


Double disc + new Giro helmet = chef’s kiss


Here’s the top “performers” on the Garmin segment for Laguna Seca. The thing is, they are obviously in a car but selected “cycling” as their activity. At least Strava you can flag these things.


If it’s on the raceway, it appears to be just a way to log their speed, possibly? :person_shrugging:

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Ha! I was faster than the bottom 2 on my RGV250 :joy:

(But I also didn’t record on my Garmin)


I still have scars from these. :rofl:



What are the cutoffs on the 401K? How much vert?


Rumor has it, 23,000 if your under 50 :joy:




Or riding them barefoot? Yeah, it happened far more often than it should have. :flushed: :roll_eyes:

But aren’t studded MTB pedals worse? They look really painful…

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The beauty of those pedals was that the little teeth didn’t improve shoe traction in any noticeable way compared to the block pedals that were also popular at the time. Functionally, the only purpose they served was to shred skin and bruise the shit out of shins.


Depends do you want like 2 bone deep cuts (mtb/bmx flats) or do you want 20 burns down your shin (the old pedals)

the scar on my shin says the mtb/bmx flats are far worse.


That’s where I was going. My wife is afraid of clipless pedals on anything but her Peloton, so I put the stock aluminum studded pedals from my Fat Boy. Those studs are lethal!


She gets her old toe clip shoes stuck on the studs and almost hates them more than clipless. I did see a pair of pedals that came with small replacement studs that were a rounded point rather than the ghastly sharp rapiers that the studs pull off very painfully well. I do have a couple scars on the left inside calf from an encounter with those studs on a loaner bike. Hurt? OH YEAH! Didn’t bleed as much as I thought it would somehow (like a face cut does), but damn hurt for a couple of days, and left a few scars to go with all the others I have acquired. But she says she likes not having clipless and cleats, so it has to be that way. :person_shrugging: Looks a little silly on a $4k Di2 bike, but happy wife… It’s her bike, I just maintain it.

I did try to sell her on Speed Plays with the light action cleats. Nope… (She’s got light action SPD-SL pedals on the Pton though)

Back to the previous post: Didn’t they call those ‘rat trap’ pedals? They pretty much chewed up anything they came into contact with.