Deals / Sales / Discounts for Cycling "Stuff" (2023)

Is there a code required?

I came across a few discounts with only XL available.

No code required. Yes, they don’t have much inventory left.

haha, yeah it’s a little ridiculous. Even with my kickr bike on top of the rocker plate, it’s still silly tall. I ended up putting it on the second lowest setting and putting it over the rower next to the bike instead, I don’t really use it as a “desk” as much as I use it as a table anyway. I don’t regret getting it at that price, but it’s definitely a niche item. It’s not a great match for a Kickr bike anyway since the table gets in the way of the tilt of the bike when you use it.

Yeah, that is exactly how I plan on using it also…I have a 40" TV for watching TV / Zwift and a 24" Screen above that for TR workouts, so I can’t really use a “desk”…but having a table to the side is helpful.

Glad to hear I wasn’t the only one that thought the height was a bit ridiculous…the whole time I was assembling it, I kept thinking 'There is no way this is right!". :rofl:

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Wahoo Elemnt Bolt v2 bundle (includes HR strap and speed/cadence sensors) is $219 on Amazon right now. This is a solid deal considering Elemnt Bolt v2 is typically more than this on its own.

Wahoo ELEMNT Bolt V2 GPS Cycling/Bike Computer Bundle

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Any feedback on their mid-high end stuff? I ordered some of their cheap bibs from a previous sale and they all went back

The team I was riding for a few years ago had their higher end stuff….I liked it (although wanted longer sleeves).

They may have addressed the sleeve length by now…this was 2019.

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Yeti’s got cargo bibs and some other items on sale right now. $50 for their Enduro Bibs.

Edit: I just picked up some Pactimo cargo bibs. Have a friend who swears these are as good, if not better. Curious what others have to say.


I have a couple of their upper-tier kits and have no complaints. They’re a local company to me, so it’s super popular in my area and I’ve never heard anyone complain about them.


I have two full kits, El Capitan, they are my favorites. Sleeves are plenty long for me, almost to the elbow. Chamois are on point. I’ll be going back to them when I need more kits/bibs. Am also a “factory team” member this year so get a nice discount too. My only complaint with any of their gear is their socks don’t fit my skinny ankles and tend to slide down a bit. But i have bird legs…

Local company for me as well, as mentioned above.

sweet maybe time to give em a look if anything is still in stock. I primarily wear a team jersey, but the team bibs seem to go see through pretty quickly (thank you pactimo!) so trying to save them for races. At full price, $280+ is a hard pill to swallow on bibs!

I like there stuff and wish USMES used them instead of Pactimo for team gear, but the team is the team so :man_shrugging:t2:. I do like their thermal stuff (much better than pactimo) and their hot weather kit is really excellent as well.

Yea Pactimo has been the go to for so many teams I’ve been on. Their 12 hour bibs are the jam, the rest of their stuff seems to leave something to be desired. I got 2 jerseys from them last year… same material, same cut, 2 vastly different sizes. I’ve seen more of my teams ass cracks than I care to, thanks to the bibs going see through after only a few weeks.

You get what you pay for… I’m sure team kits through someone like Eliel would probably cost at least twice as much?

My club did a kit run with Eliel in 2021 and the kits were great (though mine was sized too small on my own fault). We changed kit designs and Eliel couldn’t match the coloring so we went with another company (which is also markedly less expensive but also markedly lower quality). Our president is always trying to keep club kit prices low, and the kit quality shows.

So yeah, you’re paying more for a custom Eliel kit than with some others, but in my mind it would be totally worth it. The Eliel kits cost us about 50% more than the current company, and they’re at least 50% higher quality IMO (probably an exaggeration, but not by much…)

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What pactimo bibs do you have wearing thin that fast? I only buy summit raptors now, and have a few pairs that are years old, one that is 6 years old and still going strong. I did get a pair of the Flytes this year and they are really nice.

I didn’t order team bibs (we don’t use pactimo) this year because I like the raptors so much and it always seems team kit bibs are the cheap option.

Never worn Eliel, but they seem to becoming more and more popular.

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Really not sure which ones they are and the store is currently closed. I’d love to search my inbox but it’s full of marketing emails on the daily from Pactimo… another thing I hate about them. You buy one thing from them and your email is married to them! I just want to buy something, you ship it, end of transaction/discussion! Hahah and yes, I know literally every company on earth does this now, just my rant for the day! Tomorrow I’ll bitch about iPad tips! Haha

Most bibs are good for me. I’m not too picky. That’s my disclaimer.
NeoPro is both good and not too expensive. Give them a try. For about $50, it’s not too risky.

I did that, and can’t deal with the NeoPro bibs, the chamois is okay its just the straps are gross.

Same. I don’t have many issues with most bibs. The neopro I typically wear either for indoor trainer rides or for outdoor rides under 3 hours. They don’t ever cause issues but I just notice them for longer rides. Mostly I wear my cargo Voler or theBlackBibs bibs.

Wore a pair of well-loved 4yo Ascent bibs today and I’m still really impressed by how great they feel. I have one pair of summit bibs I bought last year and now I want a pair of the summit pocket bibs :heart_eyes: maybe I’ll snag a pair in their big end-of-season sale.