Early Access to Android Beta - Updated TrainerRoad

We are launching our newest Beta for our mobile applications! We have been testing iOS for a few weeks, but Android is here and ready to be tested. :raised_hands:
We are looking to expand our pool of athletes for testing. If you would like the join the testing , please join via the link below.

How it Works

This is now in Open Beta. If you have been enrolled in our Android Beta program in the past you will have to rejoin the program for this newest round of beta testing.

Join here directly from the Android device you will use for training.

Join on Android Device

Join here from the web where you are logged in with the Google Play account that you use for TrainerRoad.

Join from the web


We are looking for any feedback on the experience of using the new app โ€” anything that may be confusing or not make sense, and any bugs you encounter.

Please drop all feedback directly in this thread. This is a great way for us to keep all our information in one place, and be able to keep everyone frequently updated.

As always, thank you to everyone for always being such a great community and allowing us to test things like this. We are extremely grateful, and are excited to see what you think of the new apps!


That link still seems to take me to the current Prod app โ€ฆ or do I need to do something else after launching the Play Store?

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@wysbf2 The store should show TrainerRoad (Beta) but will look the same as production currently does in the store. Once you download, you should see a much different loading and login screen and you will be in the new app.

I will fix the way it displays in the store for the next release :sweat_smile:

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:thinking: still looks like the Prod app to me, it doesnโ€™t say โ€˜Betaโ€™:



Same for me, and when I select โ€œopenโ€, TR looks the same.

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The link above is pointing to the production app, should it point to beta?


I tried thatโ€ฆ .beta and .alpha, no dice


I reckon so, but com.TrainerRoad.android.beta doesnโ€™t work - imagine the correct url has some build number in itโ€ฆ

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Also tried .dev, .development, .staging, what else can we shove in there :laughing:

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Guessing thereโ€™s a setting that needs to be tweaked. I think your play account needs to be flagged as enrolled in the beta before it will offer it to you. There should be a special invite url for that. Eg, the zwift android app still lists me as enrolled in beta.

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Sorry about that, it looks like I had a hiccup in my testing the invite link. Would you shoot me a DM with your email associated with Google Play and I can check something on my end?

If you are not part of the beta, scroll down beneath the TR Production and you should see a link to join the Beta.

After joining, you should see the Beta version from the link above.

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I do not see a Join the beta area under TR Production. (Does the beta require Android 10+?)

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No dice on the join the beta function being visible or with the link on a Google pixel 2 with android 11 used as a development platform for other apps. Tried uninstall and re-install as well.

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I cant see the join the beta button either

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Thanks all for giving it a shot, weโ€™ll submit a new version with some tweaked restrictions and see if we can get the link functioning for the next release.

To get access now we are going back to the old fashioned request form.

Please feel out the form linked below and I will add as fast as I am able. :+1:



lol, Google loves to make things like this more complicated than it needs to be.

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Not judgingโ€ฆ
