Early Access to Android Beta - Updated TrainerRoad

Not sure if there’s any relationship, but at various points today (including just now, trying the beta app) I’ve found connectivity to the main TR site (from a different device, not my phone) to be flaky (even after clearing my browser cache - and all other sites seem ok).

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Ok, having more success now but it’s taken a bit of work…

  1. Went to app settings in my phone, and cleared both cache and data for the TR app
  2. Set my screen not to sleep for 30 mins. I previously found that if my screen went to sleep while the app was still sync’ing, it would crash when I unlocked my phone again.
  3. Closed all other apps
  4. Opened TR again and logged in
  5. Did nothing - literally nothing, didn’t touch the screen once
  6. Got the ‘Syncing - please hang tight’ spinner for over 30 minutes. Not sure what’s happening in this time, as I have 20+ Mbps down and circa 3 Mbps up…
  7. Got bored of waiting for spinner to go away, and so tried loading workouts from both my calendar and the workout list - which now seems to work ok.
  8. Loading up future workouts is now fairly speedy. Loading up recently completed workouts takes around 15-20 seconds each. And if I scroll too far back in my calendar (more than a couple of weeks), the app will crash.

The fallback to English doesn’t seem to work.

Some background:

  • My phone language is set to Finnish.
  • I have three languages in use in my Samsung default keyboard: Finnish, English AND German.

So my guess is, that as there may very probably not be a Finnish language pack for the app, it defaults back to a wrong language in various places (haven’t tried if this is keyboard related or not). I didn’t capture all the screens in the app, as the issue is present in basically all the views.

Edit: Removing German from the input languages didn’t solve the problem.

The following screenshots are also showing the loading problems that people have already posted.

Keep up the good work, this will be a great app! :+1::muscle:

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Unfortunately I can’t try the new beta as it won’t let me load a workout. It simply shows a black screen when I try to load one.

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I was also getting the empty black screen when I tried to load a workout, and the infinite spinner viewing a workout.

This worked for me. I cleared cache and user data, force-quit the app, started it back up again, logged in, and let it sit there thinking about its life choices overnight. I didn’t set up the screen to stay on, but the app does have battery optimization turned off. I’m now able to view the power graph on the details page for future workouts, and I can load a workout.

For what it’s worth, user storage before I cleared it was at about 900mb; it’s now at about 200mb.


It seems to need to think quite a long time :grinning:

Yes, I noticed that after the original install, mine got up to almost 400MB, but has now settled at around 160MB.

I still can’t figure out what causes the ‘Syncing - hang tight’ spinner to appear as it doesn’t seem to relate to things I’m doing in the app. Wonder if the app keeps a local log of things it’s requested from server side (like older workouts I’ve tried to scroll back to), and retries them again when I reopen the app.

Anyhow - I like the look & feel, just not sure I’m ready to trust it yet with a proper workout. Maybe for my easy ride tomorrow.


I seem to have lost all my “favourite” workouts, bit frustrating.


tried a little bit out, have probs on my Tablet “Samsung Galaxy Tab4” and Mobile Phone "Samsung Galaxy M31 both on Android 10:

impossible to plan a workout for today, impossible to hit the Plan Button, instead endless loading/syncing:

impossible to calibrate Vector 3 paired via BLT:

impossible to select new Powermatch:

i am not 100% sure, but in the production App i can pair BLT and ANT+ device mixed, on my Tablet i can’t find any ANT+ devices


That worked thanks :+1:


So I changed my mind and did Juneau -1 on the beta app this morning. Pairing my Neo 2T and Tickr strap was easy, and the app behaved flawlessly during the workout - though again I had the ‘Syncing - please hang tight’ banner up for the whole workout. I got to the end of the workout, got the spinner as the workout tried to sync … and it crashed. After a brief heart rate flutter, I restarted the app and the workout had been successfully recorded.

I usually do my workouts from an iPad but decided to do workout from my phone so I could watch YouTube on the iPad. Seemed to work well, though it does kill the battery on my phone.


Went back through the months see how old workouts carried over and starting in May, this effect begins to happen. It continues indefinitely going further back in time from what I can tell.

Sharing an outside workout results in the following image which shows no power or heart rate data, nor does it display a map of the outdoor ride.

Changing a workout from outdoor to indoor results in the image of the workout spinning to load indefinitely on the workout page. It appears to show correctly on the calendar, however.

Trying to load a workout nets me the same result as those mentioned by commenters above. Seems to be taking quite some time to sync. Loading from calendar and loading from workout page bring me to a blank grey screen. I can back out of the workout after loading from the calendar, but I cannot back out when loading from the workout page and have to terminate the app to go back.


Scrolling through the calendar to May this year and there are multiple weeks with zero workouts showing where there should be and other weeks slightly further back still that look like this…

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I’m getting the same black screen when clicking on a workout and the infinite spinner on a workout screen.

That made me follow other users advice to clear cache and data. Now the app goes through syncing for 5 minutes and crashes. Restarting merely repeats the syncing and crashing process on my Huawei P20

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As sod’s law would have it the very next time I went through the syncing of the app everything worked. It all seems okay for loading a workout anyhow👍

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Loved the new app this morning. Only issue i had was when I got off the bike too take a bathroom break my hr reading froze when I came back and I ended up having to forgot my hr monitor and re-pair it to the app. Then it work…i had to do this twice…guess I was over hydrated too


Black screen for me as well.

I don’t see an option for doing outside workouts either…

Edit: found it. It was in a spot i wasn’t expecting

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The Beta works smooth and quick on my Samsung Galaxy S10+ SM-G975W Android 10, well minus the initial syncing delay.

The Beta works slow and clunky and freezes up regularly on my Samsung Galaxy Tab A (2017) SM-T380 Android 9. The problem being, I like to use my tablet for my workouts.

Initially my tablet when to sleep while syncing, when I woke it back up the app crashed.

Once I got past that stage, about the only thing that worked properly was the ability to scroll up and down on the calendar. If I opened up a workout I’d done, there was a popup on the right hand side of the window, but once open it could not be closed. However, when touching my finger over the workout it did give me the stats (power, HR, cad). The only way to close this was to close the app and start over.

That brought me to clicking on the settings, I was able to open them and manipulate them however, again they froze open and once frozen it was like they weren’t even there. When I’d move my finger over where the popup was the calendar “below” would move.

When I clicked on workouts on the left menu, the calendar on the right hand side would flicker repeatedly and the app would freeze.

Sometimes the app would open and just freeze out of the blue when I opened it.
To be clear when I was doing all of the above TR was the only app open on the tablet and I was connected to a fast 5G wifi connection.

Bottom line for now, I’ve uninstalled the Beta from my tablet and reverted to the old app which works great on it. I’m prepared to try again once some updates have been made, but for now the Beta is essentially unusable on my tablet.


In the plan overviews certain metrics show 0 (e.g., TSS / week)

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my Samsung Galaxy S4 Tablet runs over night with opened TR Beta App, nothing changed, when i try something to do in the App i always get a “Syncing - Please hang tight”, so the App is impossible to use!

Is the Server Enviroment (Backend) for the Beta so busy (Bottle Neck) that nothing work?

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App seems to crash repeatedly after opening, if scrolled up, and then back down, and then tapping to view today’s workout.

I haven’t cleared the app data yet, should probably try that when I have more time available.