Hey everyone,
I’ve been following this forum and the TrainerRoad podcasts for a while and I’ve noticed that there’s a lot of debate regarding fueling your workouts, losing weight, body composition, fasted training etc. Since FTP and more specifically watts/kg are a very important metric for many, I believe it’s very easy to get stuck in the “if only I could lose some weight” mentality - even if one’s healthy and weight is not an issue.
I therefore think a thread like this (I haven’t found a similar thread using search, I’m sorry if I missed it) might really add a lot of value for many athletes, who are looking to improve their eating habits, their nutrition on the bike or who simply seek help and support regarding nutrition and weight.
I’m definitely one of them, since I am in no way overweight (never was); quite contrary, I might even be too skinny for some people. I have orthorexia nervosa, which means that I basically created a list of “safe foods” to eat for myself, which includes mostly fruits and vegetables. I eat a ton of food, but it’s all low calorie, and I have a really hard time when I’m in a position where I might eat something “unhealthy”. I haven’t eaten anything out of my “safe foods” list in a long time and when I do, I feel terrible and guilty afterwards. I even skipped some company lunches because I didn’t want to eat “unhealthy restaurant food” and wouldn’t be able to carefully measure calories it contained. That said, I carefully monitor all my calories, I measure all my meals and I underfuel my workouts or do them fasted because I’m scared of overeating. I’m slowly trying to climb out of this hole, but I keep getting stuck in the same patterns. Hopefully, I’ll succeed some day.
I also hope this thread will help people like me by at least sharing our experiences and supporting each other. WIsh you all the best, Klemen