ENVE's new $1600 Foundation Series wheels

Looks great.

Something sounds off with the 2 flats. Fixing the tape or adding some additional sealant may help.

I’d like to see Enve pre-tape their rims, or at least make it an option. It would help eliminate a variable in terms of folks having problems with tubeless setups.


I agree, a preinstalled rim strip would be nice and they could toss in the tape for the time when that gets damaged in the future.

I took the tire off yesterday and checked the tape. It was indeed a bit off in one location. I fixed it, re-added the sealant and inflated to 80psi overnight. I just checked this morning and it is holding air, so maybe that was it.


So… as I mentioned last time, I took the tire off and redid the tape. During inspection of the tape, I noticed what seems to me like a hairline crack or delamination on the bead of the wheel. I have contacted Enve and I am waiting for their feedback on whether we need to replace the wheel. I wanted to hear your opinion.

Hard to tell, but that looks normal to me. Not sure. My vague recollection is that the layers of carbon are added around a mold, and then some finishing work is done to smooth things out. Somewhat like sanding metal bits away from a cast part.

I’m setting my 5.6 tubeless up tomorrow and will look.

Let me know how those 5.6 go tubeless I’m
About to order gp5000 TL and my enve tubeless kit for my 5.6

I tend to agree but I will look at mine tomorrow and see if I see anything similar. I will post back with a picture if what I have is similar looking

Found some pics from last year:

Looks normal. I’ve got more pics.

I went tubeless in 2017 and in October 2019 switched back to tubes after I had a large hole in 5000 TL that the dynaplug wouldn’t seal. I’ve had several ride ending sidewall blowouts, and some tubeless miracles. It’s been a mixed bag.

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Not making me feel very confident in going TL

If you want another experience, I’ve been running tubeless on my road bike since October with Vittoria Corsa Controls. I haven’t had one single issue since install and that included riding mostly road (some in crappy chipseal consition) but with many miles of gravel. The rear tread is getting pretty worn so it about ready to be changed so it’s gone it life without a problem.


I’ve had plenty of sidewall cuts running tubes. Not much you can do about that. And bad luck running over a chunk of metal - not much you can do about that. Where tubeless shines is stopping all the flats from small thorns and wires and such, I call that “another tubeless miracle” and there are far more instances of that happening than bad luck.


Exactly…a bad cut is gonna ruin your day whether you are TL or running tubes. It is the myriad of smaller issues that are prevented (and arguably never known) where TL provides a big advantage.

Not that TL doesn’t come w/o trade-offs…wrestling with a tire on the side of the road, only to end up covered in sealant and calling for the Uber of Shame is a rare, but distinct possibility. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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After a ride seeing a few orange speckles on my white bike = another tubeless miracle :smiley:


I posted this in the deals thread but such a good price probably worth posting here too. Better than what I paid with a military discount. They are on backorder but if you want them not sure it gets better than this. Free ship, no tax, $58 credit for next order so pretty darn close to $1,100 out the door. Mine weren’t on back order and took over 4 weeks to get them…

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Back at $1600 just two hours later :open_mouth:

Might have to be a gold member :man_shrugging: . I think that means just buy anything or sign up for VIP. I don’t think you have to buy a membership or anything. Once you sign up you can see the sale price. They look to be on sale all week. This comes up in the deals thread and I think the barrier for the sale price is very low.

I’m logged in as a Gold Member and still see the sale price.

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^^ That’ll be it :wink:

I’m logged in as VIP and do not see the deal. I’m not sure if there is a difference in gold or vip? :man_shrugging:

See banner at top - it says Gold Member.

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