I’m new to TrainerRoad and really excited and impressed with the offerings so far. I’m finishing up the third week of my first sweet-spot base block and loving doing many of them outdoors in sunny California!
Anyways, my question is about nutrition. During the middle 30 years of my life I abused my body to the extent that I am no longer able to process blood-suger at any reasonable rate, aka type 2 diabetes.
Over the last year and a half I have done extensive experimentation with nutrition and measuring my blood glucose levels in a myriad of configurations. My conclusion is that from a health standpoint the ONLY way for me to keep my blood sugar level at a healthy level is to either dose up massively on a variety of drugs, OR, remain in nutritional ketosis as a way of life. I have picked the later.
I love the way I feel both mentally and physically when in ketosis, especially after the initial two month adaptation period (two months of uninterrupted ketosis as measured with daily blood samples).
So, rather than ask the usual question that will probably stir up a wasp-nest of strongly held belief systems and quoting questionable studies etc., I’d like to make this as straight to the point as possible.
Given that I AM in ketosis, and have NO PLANS of changing that, how can I maximize my performance both pre and post workout, and eventually pre and post racing? (cat 5 Masters here I come).
I am enjoying my sweetspot training and have absolutely no issues hitting all my targets with the expected perceived effort. Most of these rides are done in a fasted state, only because I’m running almost purely on fat so loading up on a meal of fat/protein before a workout doesn’t always make sense or even make a difference (depending on fasting period of course).
My concern is with the more intense workouts that will present themselves later in the winter, leading up to race season. Hitting VO2 max and beyond is going to put extra strain on my fuel availability.
Does anyone have experience with hard interval training while in ketosis?
I know that after a hard 2 hour group ride I can easily consume an extra 30-40 g of carbs to refill my muscle glycogen without going out of ketosis. This could be a possible solution to consider. Would it make more sense to pre-load those carbs instead? Consume them during the workout? Just leave them out and force my body to adapt at a whole new level of fat burning?
Also, just learning about the super carbs in UCAN which apparently barely register a BG spike. Anyone use this for workouts or racing?
Look forward to reading your thoughts!