My first post, so hopefully y’all take it easy on me (I’ve tried searching for an answer). Trying to find a reasonable nutrition plan for short turn around between SS workouts.
Out of town this weekend and after dinner this evening, I did hunter -2 (took in 90g of carbs and via 4.5 servings of skratch while on the bike) and will get back on the bike at 5am tomorrow for Geiger +2. I’d typically eat a piece of toast & jelly + black coffee and munch on a banana on the bike, but I’ve not done two workouts without a real meal in between.
I’m eating some cottage cheese and two dates as I type this but should I consider something more substantial this evening? Or don’t worry about it and just fuel as i ride tomorrow and eat a real meal afterwards.
Trying to not dig any nutrition holes early on in HV SSB.
This is only my 3rd week on TR, but I’ve been listening to podcast for a while and just discovered the forum recently. Thanks in advance.