Disclaimer: i have got doctor appointments and tests lined up but i wanted to air what symptoms i have and see if anyone’s had similar or is maybe a health professional who can advise.
Id like to have a rough idea of what to speak to the doctor about and get value from my appointment and not bumble around and get no where.
Here goes…
So, ive been feeling really quite lethargic over the past few months, low low low libido, irritable/moody, low energy but not sleeping masses (9hr average), i tend to be cold a lot, prescribed depression meds but i dont believe it is depression…i also eat a lot (3600 calories, weigh 69kg at 168cm) and often feel like i need to eat just for energy (lots of carbs too even if im not hungry per se. Given i am active (cycling, racing, gym twice a week, dog walks etc and the odd run plus 10k steps at work - 12hr day and night shifts). I track my calories and weight daily. I have no kids, no ‘real’ stressors.
Other symptoms, often constipated (sorry), muscle aches and weakness, depressiony kind of symptoms, slow movements and thoughts. I have cut down a lot of caffeine, drink water and eat lots of fruit veg etcetera.
This led me to get a testosterone test, which came back low, so i have a 2nd round of tests tomorrow. Im also now contemplating thyroid issues? Underactive. All this, but i do still enjoy training and racing but feel somewhat hindered.
I have lost a fair amount of bodyweight in the past year and half (from around 90kg to 69.7kg this morning) is that too much? (Ex powerlifter, so i do have some muscle and strength left but its not at the forefront of training now and am pretty lean) and now im thinking whether to regain some weight as heavier people can still out climb me. Now ive not been riding seriously for long but would’ve expected a bit more.
Also my calorie and weight counting becomes an issue in my head, i think if i eat to listen to my body ill balloon…! I could eat (healthily) for england so maybe i should? Dont want to lose my leanness (PTSD from being overweight i think), but maybe i wont as I’ll train better and race stronger? So i would like to eat on intuitions but feel ill lose control of some performance and wonder if counting calories and weight is just the done thing for athletes…? Or go the other way, undereat and lose more weight and energy. I have the desire to compete, race etc in cycling and running/triathlon. Ive eaten a bit more over my usual calories the past 2 nights so a trend upwards in training/energy this weekend would be a nice affirmation
Sorry if youve got this far, this is a ramble but not 100% sure what direction to go or if im being dramatic.
Pps, i also take Amitriptyline for a compressed nerve but now am reducing the dose and dont think its related at all.
Any advice on here or DM would be great. Not sure where else to vent, not at the doctors . I think ill get a thyroid test regardless and at least rule things out.