42 yrs old, have done 5 Sprints over last 10 yrs, 3 in last 2, this was my first event over a Sprint. Stretched Olympic: 2k swim, 55k bike [swim bike only; longstanding injury]. Done @ 32 C + hum = “feels like” temp 46 - 47 C.
Finished 4th, 37 s behind a guy going to World’s this July.
[ S-B results only; we are nowhere near as fast as the semi-pros in the full tri. It was a tiny # of ppl, but my time was pretty damn quick, regardless. And I only train 1hr, 3 x / wk. I would not “…be faster if you ate sugar…” I would be faster if I trained more, period. ]
Last fuel was night before; dinner, approx 9 pm.
HFLC + IF for abt 4 yrs now. I literally only eat food twice a day; lunch btwn 12 - 14:00, dinner 20:00 - 23:00. Never bothered to make a post in past, bc “Nobody cares; irrelevant; it was just a Sprint.” brigade would ensue, 100% sure.
My blood chemistry; insulin levels, cholesterol, blood sugar, etc, are perfect, and have been for four years. Before this, I was told I was pre-diabetic, even though I have had roughly the same activity level, BMI, and weight, for years.
I think this proves that it works, for Z6 effort, not “Only good for End - Tempo.” , for 2.5 hrs straight, zero rests, zero breaks.
I am not “Only N = 1”
I am one more N… and that number is growing, as more ppl realize / learn / acknowledge that sugar [ which all “carbs” are ] is absolutely not our natural diet, and absolutely terrible for your health, and that natural fats, all of them, are not.
Fat does not cause heart disease. Sugar does.
If you scrape your knee and get a scab, that scab has lots of red blood cells in it, that have iron in them. Nobody tells you the scab is from too much iron in your diet. It is the exact same for arterial plaque. The only data they had to conclude fats cause it is that it is made of cholesterol, fats, and other compounds.
I used to get terrible blood sugar crashes almost daily; light headedness, dizziness, extreme muscular fatigue and mental confusion. All gone. My longest ride was 6 hrs, last fuel was night before. I have infinite energy, forever, essentially.
This past weekend, worked Sat & Sun, 14 - 16 hrs on my feet all day in +30 C, mostly doing hard labour. Only had dinner Fri, Sat, & Sun. Zero drops, zero tiredness, fatigue, etc.
I am extremely happy I live like this. At first, I said I would just try it for a month, and see if it helped me feel better. I never knew it would help me come closer to actually podiuming an event, and give me the energy & stamina to do longer events.
[EDIT: To add: It’s widely acknowledged that our education systems do not do a good enough job of giving people just a basic level of science knowledge, so that they can make informed decisions about their lives, health, etc.
Even the word “carbohydrate” is a garbage chemical term; all it means is any compound that contains carbon and hydrogen. Billions of them. Ergotamine is a carbohydrate.
What we call “carbs” are just long chained-together sugars. They breakdown extremely fast to just sugars, and that is what they are, when our bodies process them for energy: They go straight through our cell walls and get burned directly for energy.
Protein & lipid metabolism is an entirely different pathway; they must be absorbed across the cell membrane via complex processes [no clue!] = much slower, and then broken down, energy extracted, and then our bodies must create their own glucose to burn for energy via gluconeogenesis. Or something like that. Again, rly very little clue. But the dead-point, that is absolutely true is that it’s an extremely slow burning process that allows us to function for hours and hours on end because it doesn’t completely frack up our insulin, blood sugar levels, etc.]