How to carry powder mix on rides?

lol looks like lots of other carb-weighing cyclists are buying those plastic baggies too


Searched and found something similar

Yes, those carbs you snort or smoke


The reason I went with the leader bag is it has a mesh pocket inside that comes in really handy to separate things like electrolytes or headphones etc. It also has a zippered side pocket that I keep a house key in.

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Vit C/ Hydration tab tubes worked ok over 100km at the weekend. For each bottle, I had 1 for Malto and 1 for Fructose+electrolyte, so 4 bottles in total. It was a supported event, so I didn’t need to worry about carrying much food, as they were quite bulky.

Showing my age here…

35mm film canisters are my go-to for storing a single measure of powder. Great in the back pocket.


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Hey kids, wanna buy some carb-drink mix?

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Just to update this - I’ve done a couple of longer rides as I build towards Flanders (100 miles, 200+km audax).

I used chewing gum tubs (like the below, only the lidl version). They’ll hold my 40g Malto/ 30g Fructose/ Electrolyte mix, and take up less room than the equivalent vitamin/ electrolyte tube - albeit can’t stick out the top of the jersey pocket like you can get away with the tubes. Same as, can go in the bin where ever I’m getting the water. I’ve a bit of a gum habit (not looking for opinions on that), so a ready supply.

I also think this is how I’ll bring my mix to Flanders on the flight (in a bigger ziplock), as well as on the bike.

chewing gum


Why didn’t I think of that!

Nuun tubes are too small for one bottle worth of my mix and I have a lot of mentos gum bottles like that so that’s perfect. Plus it will be easy to open and fit really well in a jersey pocket.

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Only thing I had to do was settle the malto with a couple tabs before adding the fructose. It was perfect size for 500ml bottles. Only thing missing was I normally add cordial/ squash when making at home.

I guess I could carry a squirt bottle of flavour, but I found the mix on it’s own fine to be honest. It was actually the solid food I was getting a bit bored of, and may have to carry more variety.

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Mumi Powder Pouches
I’d like to try these but would like it even more if other riders in my group carried powders so I could split the cost with them since I don’t need so many bags. They’re designed for powders and I think a couple of them would fit into a jersey pocket very efficiently. I think they’ll fit 100g of powder in them but can’t be sure.
PLUS: Very reusable, good shape
NEG: Made from polyvinyl chloride (PVC)

Stasher Silicone Pouches
I currently use these silicone pouches. They’re heavier (43g) but I did the math. They cost me 1 second over 40km if I’m solo. OK.

I can fit 60g of dextrose and 40g of fructose in them, i.e. I don’t think I could fit 100g of the lighter, higher volume/weight dextrose powder in them, not that I’d personally want to.
PLUS: Very durable, made from silicone
NEG: Tad bulky if you put 2 in a fitted jersey pocket

Compostable Sandwich Zipper Bags
Another alternative, no commentary needed except to say they’re probably the messiest to use on the road given their size and lack of structure.
PLUS: Compostable
NEG: Harder to pour powder out nicely

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Have to confess I’m lazy, and love the ease and convenience of these: (they also make a high sodium super hydration version.

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I use these:

Easy to carry, simple to fill and use. And completely reusable.

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On a related note…has anyone used maltondextrin that actually dissolves easily? I’m noticing a bug 1/4 inch thick chunk of maltodextrin always stuck to the bottom of my bottles.

Now Carbo Gain maltodextrin on Amazon.

My mix goes into reusable ziplock bags and have no issues pouring into bottles without spilling.


I use the same maltodextrin and fructose and haven’t had an issue with it not dissolving, but I do fill up 3/4s of the way with water, shake it, then finish filling it up. Similar to what I do with Maurten which I think is what the directions say. Maurten is basically the same thing we are doing with a little sodium alginate to make it thicker.

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Just ordered some, will check it out :+1:

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I have used Ziplock baggies but in the cases where I’m concerned about them getting punctured, I used empty 5 Hour Energy bottles. At the ratios I use, one bottle equals one serving. They are a bit heavy and bulky, but they’re so easy to grab and dump even while riding. No need to worry about a bag flapping in the wind.
-yeah I know the stuff’s toxic. I have coworkers that drink them daily, so I just bum the empty bottles off them, remove the wrapper and throw in the dishwasher. EZPZ

Honestly - you (and everyone in here using a single-use baggy then disposing of it) should be ashamed of yourselves for the landfill waste you’re creating out of laziness.

The Stasher silicone pouches are a good idea - otherwise thick ziplocks that you can reuse.

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