I got my gut biome tested, here are the results

I used https://ubiome.com/ to test my gut biome. I’ve taken a lot of antibiotics and I wanted to see if my gut biome was thrashed.

I took this test 2 weeks after I stopped my last round of antibiotics. I plan on retesting as I make diet changes.

I’m not an expert in this area, so if you have any insight please share it. Ubiome doesn’t give recommendations, they just compare you to “healthy” individual’s gut biome results.

Interesting takeaways:

  1. Biome is pretty strong in general
  2. I have little to no bacteria to help process gluten
  3. I barely ever drink, yet I have a damaged gut marker bacteria associated with drinkers
  4. I break down alcohol pretty quickly
  5. Very little vitamin K bacteria, but I did stop dairy for about 30 days before this so that makes sense.
  6. I have high levels of bacteria associated with artificial sweeteners. I thought I had eliminated those from my diet years ago, but I do eat a lot of breath mints and they have it! Those stop today!
  7. I process carbs well, but I also have a higher than normal amount of bacteria that process fat. There’s another detailed report that shows that I’m high on bacteria that process ketones.

I wonder if there’s a connection between the damaged gut marker bacteria and not having bacteria to digest gluten.

On to the results.


@Nate_Pearson I have no idea what any of this means (aside from not liking pickles and sauerkraut?) but I love the way you throw yourself out there. Keep on, keepin’ on.


Just popping in to say that this is really cool, but I also have no idea what to make of this :slight_smile:

Curious to see what changes you’ll be making based on this info.


I think another interesting thing is that I thought I would have almost no bacteria in my gut since I had recently taken antibiotics (and like 10 rounds in 15 months before this).

What I always read was “you take antibiotics, and your gut biome is gone! It will take a year to rebuild!”.

I think this test shows that’s not always the case.

  1. No more breath mints with artificial sweeteners
  2. I might try taking a probiotic that could help me digest gluten. I REALLY don’t want to stop gluten.
  3. I will show this to the Mayo Clinic docs and see if they have anything to say
  4. I might revisit eating lactose free dairy
  5. I’ll keep eating how I’m eating, because it looks pretty good to me. I will try to eat more pickles and sauerkraut.

This might be a dumb question, but how do they collect the sample for a gut biome test? @Nate_Pearson

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You poop, then wipe your bottom, then use a swab on the toilet paper.

You then put that in a provided vial and mail it to them.

It is very hard to find that information on their website…


As a PhD in microbiology, I can tell you this is rubbish. Certain types of bacteria will be wiped out, but others will remain! Fear not!


:joy: I guess that’s better than a “probe”.


Let’s circle back to the pickles, why do hate pickles, do your kids like pickles? Just kidding.


I suggest you try Gluten Guardian. My wife is gluten intolerant and even though she would try her best to avoid it, this has really helped with the cross contamination effect and she has actually been able to eat gluten laden items as well without consequence.


This made me lol

How much did this analysis cost?

Thanks! I bought it and I’ll try it out. I’d like to see if this lowers my “damaged gut” number.


I got the 3 test package for $199. https://ubiome.com/consumer/explorer/

I wanted to see if I can change it. I need to get the other podcast guys to do the same test.


I have no large intestine so I’d be interested in trying this just the see the difference between myself and a normal person

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Oh yes, that would be very interesting! If you’re willing to share I’d love to see your results.


I’m going to look into an British company, there are quite a few endurance ostomates (we have a Facebook group) but there is very little advice out there, it’s mostly doctors telling you what you can’t do.

@Nate_Pearson You can’t get @chad to ride his tt bike. No way are you getting him to cr@p in a test tube unless he really wants to! :joy:


I wonder what they mean by comparing you to ‘Selected Samples’. Do they give you any details on the maths behind their stats? Their website has some claims of a very large sample size - how much of that is in your comparison?

It looks like a really interesting set of analyses. I’d really like to know more about how far to trust them.