Let's see your paincave!

I use a blue one. Ive considered taking the bottom rack off and placing my fan down there. Anyone given this a try?

I don’t know where I learned about those three-tier carts, maybe it was on this very thread, but they’re a great indoor cycling accessory. The top tier puts bottles and snacks at the perfect height to reach from the bike, I got this six-port USB charger with a long cord to turn the second tier into a device charging station, and I have tools and cleaning supplies on the bottom tier.

Got the idea off here Best Indoor Trainer Accessories - Everything (else) you need for better indoor cycling - Bikerumor :sunglasses:


Thanks! Good ideas.

Finally “finished” setting up over the last 2 months and been using it since late november.

swapped out the kinetic for an Elite Direto. Got a dumbbell rack (just out of frame bottom left) for Christmas so got those off the floor. Black Friday TV deals were far too fake, so just stuffed the old 32 in an unused bookshelf. Need to order up some metal cube shelves for storage once I ditch the bookshelf and make some improvements to fan setup.


Just wanted to drop in and say thank you for the mugshot “Easter egg.” Made my day! :rofl:


I think the new rule is, if your posting your home setup, mandatory mugshot of TR crew on monitor/tv/ipad etc. Like holding a newspaper for before and after weight loss shots… :wink:


Not sure if you have something specifically in mind but I’d move the medals to the wall to the left and put the fan on a shelf at about the same height as the medals rack. My fan is on top of a refrigerator that is about six feet from my front tire and that height / distance works well to blast my head and torso. That also avoids the laptop screen from blocking air flow.

51% of the reason for posting an update was to participate in the mugshot trend.


That photo was taken right after I rearranged them, only couple rides with them like that at this point, so really I just need to feel it out a bit more. Basically unsure if not adequate for this room (same 3 fans I’ve had for a while) or just getting into some harder workouts and sweating more.

My heat pump water heater is actually directly behind me, been toying with the idea of ducting that into the gym/venting gym to unfinished part of basement. Might feed the cool air duct into one of the vornados mounted on the wall behind me.

Got two new accessories for mine recently… twin accessories.


Congratulations :slight_smile:


Congrats! That was me 5yrs ago :heart_eyes:

My only advice is to laugh when you find yourself exhausted or in some absurd situation w/the twins. You and your wife will eventually come out the other end :blush:

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Started with the saris hammer on its own last year and have been adding on steadily. Refurbished treadmill was added a couple weeks ago.


Ha, I just found out my wife is pregnant with twins. So it is still possible to ride?!??!


Absolutely! and congrats!

Be flexible. Work it out w/your wife! Happy wife, happy life! Truer words have never been spoken :smile:

And before you know it, you’ll be taking your twins to the pump track


Where did you get that mirror?


Pretty affordable and installation only took about 45 minutes. But it took months for them to schedule it because there have to be enough orders along their delivery route in your direction for them to come out.


Extra wattage training :slight_smile:

This was about 19 years ago! Me on the left (twins club). Many happy years towing a Burley trailer.
I still look the same :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:, now I’m back on the Turbo and doing Audaxes.

For those who can’t zoom in, that’s my first ever MTB, a Diamond Back Topanga which saw many years of riding MTB and touring Europe.


The next stage was this :grinning:
