Inspired by a comment on another thread, post here the meals you recently had that definitely do not fit in your fueling strategies.
We all know this happens also to the best of us
Been in the US for a business trip, 3 days of fat and fried food.
Best day was obviously the last…
Double bacon burger (with mushroom and tomato tough…) and 4 fried chicken strip
Did you ever see the Man Who Cycled the World. When Mark Beaumont got to the states the only thing he could find was fast food but when you need the calories, you need the calories
1: lamb and bison bacon burger I made
2: whoopie pies
3: random Mexican joint
4: Seared salmon with lemon crab sauce over mashed potatoes and asparagus
I have lots of food pics, since I cook for a living. The only one I didn’t make is the random Mexican joint. These are a couple meals/ snack I would say aren’t great for training.
Basically a chocolate cake creme pie. The origin of the whoopie pie is supposedly from German immigrants in Pennsylvania back in the day. Although there are many different opinions on that…
my ancestors were all from what is now germany, came to central pennsylvania before the revolution… seeing those whoopie pies brought back a lot of childhood memories. i haven’t been able to find good whoopie pies in quite a while now!
Most of my family also resides in Pa, they came from Slovakia and Poland. Lots of good things they all brought over.
I’m pretty sure this is the recipe I used…
Im over here goin full tilt trying to get the weight lookin better for cross season to start in a few months, and you post a picture of my 2 favorite donuts! I have the self control of a hungry dog set free in a golden corral! haha
I got this for Father’s Day… Its called Bruce from Get Baked (@getbakeduk) on instagram. I ate nearly all of it to myself, in 4 sittings over 3 days (even breakfast). The bestest, moistest, heaviest, tastiest chocolate cake I ever ate.