🎉📆🎉 New Early Access Feature: Improved Calendar (Beta)🎉📆🎉

We’re excited to announce early access to our updated TrainerRoad calendar! This powerful new tool is designed to make managing and analyzing your training faster and more intuitive than ever.

Enabling this beta feature replaces your calendar on TrainerRoad.com with the new version. It does not change how the calendar appears in the TrainerRoad apps.

As with all Early Access features, the new calendar is still in active development, and new features and bug fixes are being added every day. You can return to the old calendar by disabling this early access feature.

New Features

The new calendar preserves the same general layout and design as the old TrainerRoad calendar. If you’re familiar with the existing calendar you shouldn’t have too much trouble finding your way around, but there are a few important new features to know before you get started.

Right-Click Capability

Right-click workouts and notes on the new calendar to access common actions like copy, edit, and delete. The right-click menu also lets you instantly toggle between the indoor and outside versions of your planned workouts, associate workouts with completed outside rides, and edit notes and scheduled time off. It’s a quick and easy way to manage your training.

Updated TSS Chart

Located at the top of the calendar, the TSS chart graphs your weekly completed and planned training load over time. The TSS chart is now larger and easier to read than before; click on any week on the chart to jump to that week on the calendar below, or hover over any week on the chart to reveal more details.

For a more comprehensive overview of your training, the TSS chart also shows Events, FTP Changes, and Training Phases below the green TSS bars. Hover over any of these items for more information, or click one to jump to the item on your calendar and open a details window.

The TSS chart can be collapsed and expanded by clicking the ^ button at top right.

All-New “Drawer”

The “drawer” is a new informational window that slides open from the right side of the screen. Click any day or scheduled item on the calendar to open the drawer. From here, you’ll find important actions and information to help you manage and plan your training without leaving the calendar.

Clicking on a calendar day opens the scheduling drawer (also accessible by clicking the +ADD button). This drawer lets you add training plans, workouts, events, and adjustments to your calendar.

Clicking on a planned workout opens the workout’s details drawer, which includes a workout description, key information, and workout alternates. Click the pencil icon at the bottom to edit the planned workout, or click the trash can to delete it.

Clicking on a completed workout or activity opens a drawer containing a summary of your performance. The “Open Details” button at the bottom launches the workout’s full details page in a new browser tab.

Clicking on your training plan (from the calendar or TSS chart) will open the plan’s summary drawer. Here you’ll see a summary of the plan’s training stress, schedule, and any included events.

Providing Feedback

The new calendar is a beta feature and is still a work in progress, so we want your feedback here on the forum. Let us know of any bugs, confusion points, or unexpected behaviors you encounter.

Current Known Issues (Updated 9/30)

Note: this list is not exhaustive and doesn’t include all small items and edge cases.
The calendar beta does not support small mobile device screens, but it may work for some tablets in landscape orientation. It does not yet officially support non-English language settings.

  • General Performance
    1. Chrome-based browsers (including Chrome, Edge, and Brave) can experience degraded scrolling performance when the TSS graph is open.
    2. Clicking “View Calendar” on other athlete’s Career redirects to own calendar
    3. Resizing the window can jump to different days or cause a white screen
  • TSS Chart:
    1. Future TSS trendline is missing
  • Calendar days
    1. Second activities on the same day sometimes show less information
    2. TSS is not displayed for some non-cycling activities
    3. Rest Days are not clickable
    4. Recurring activities can’t be dragged and dropped if start time is set
    5. Recurring activities may save on wrong date after edits
    6. Recurring Strength training activities show zero duration
    7. Some triathlon plans show zero durations on Swims
  • Adaptations
    1. Adaptations may persist after deleting a training plan
    2. Suggested adaptations can cause a display bug for calendar in the background
    3. Red Light Green Light adaptations may appear when Adaptive Training is turned off
  • Right-Click menu
    1. Changing color of annotations is very slow
    2. Items can’t be right-clicked immediately after adding to calendar without clicking elsewhere first
  • Week Totals column
    1. TSS from some activities is not currently included
    2. Swim distance is not currently included
  • Drawer
    1. Training Plan volume displays incorrectly for 2- and 4-day training plans
    2. Training plan names may not update after being edited
    3. “Teams” workout filter is missing
    4. RPE response can’t be changed from the drawer and may display incorrectly
    5. Rides without power lack expected notification banners
    6. Drawer may display wrong title for associated outside ride
    7. “Associated workout” item needs bug improvements
    8. Completed activities associated with events show incomplete drawer.
    9. Custom notes are missing and can’t be edited
    10. Start Times can’t be manually entered in 24h format
    11. Drawer closes less smoothly when clicking X than when clicking out

Recent improvements and fixes over the last few days:

  • Began implementing performance improvements for Chrome-based browsers
  • Added right-click capability to Training Plan annotations
  • Enabled drag and drop for Strength Training activities
  • Added the “Source Workout” item to completed TrainerRoad workout drawer
  • Enabled training plans to be edited from a button in the drawer
  • Improved display of new activity types on the calendar
  • Added a “view details” button to the planned workout drawer
  • Fixed a bug in which runs and hikes were misclassified as “Other”
  • Fixed a bug that caused the TSS chart hover to get covered by some calendar items
  • Fixed several bugs with the workout graph in the drawer for completed walks
  • Fixed a bug causing the wrong workout’s details to be shown when selecting Alternates

With the new browser calendar enabled in early release my calendar no longer works on my Samsung smartphone.

p.s. my screen is 6.6"

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For the time being, the new calendar is not supported at small screen sizes, which includes most phones. I’ll add that to the post to make it clear.


Can it be enabled for use on my laptop but disabled for my phone? Otherwise its no use at all to me as i use the calendar browser both on my laptop AND my phone

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On Android mobile

I found that clicking on a couple of the workouts I have scheduled for tomorrow or this weekend gives me an error screen with the message:

Ouch! We’ve taken a nasty spill

Can it be enabled for use on my laptop but disabled for my phone?

Unfortunately, no. Enabling Early Access is an account-wide setting. Some mobile devices will work on landscape mode.

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okay thanks. Looks absolutely fantastic though :+1:


I found that clicking on a couple of the workouts I have scheduled for tomorrow or this weekend gives me an error screen

Our engineers took a look, and it turns out you’re bumping into a bug unrelated to the calendar! A support agent will reach out to you with a fix.

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It takes an absolute “age” to perform the task when you right click and delete a workout or when using “quick action” - delete week.

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It takes an absolute “age” to perform the task when you right click and delete a workout or when using “quick action” - delete week.

This is a known issue we’re working on.

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spot on thanks

When i refresh my browser it defaults to September 2023 and not September 2024. edit - But not every time.

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I already had the early feature - New sport types support added to Activity Sync enabled.

I’ve just disabled it but the calendar is still showing all of the other activities.


Suggested addition: from the calendar view, if I click on a workout and then the “pen” icon I get the below screen. Note that the workout is missing an RPE response. Suggestion: add the ability to edit the RPE response from the left hand side with the TSS / Cycling Records / etc. checkboxes, instead of having to go to the “Open Details” new window to edit the RPE Response.


Suggestion: add the ability to edit the RPE response

This is on our radar for the near term and should be in (hopefully) later this week. You’ll be able to click the RPE response from the main drawer (below the workout graph) rather than needing to open the edit panel.


Would also be great to add some type of visual cue in the calendar for workouts missing the RPE response.


This is intended behavior. On the old calendar, if you scrolled and then refreshed, we’d jump you back to today. On the new calendar, you can scroll, refresh, and even move to a different window, and we’ll default you back to where you left off. Click “Today” to jump back to today!

I already had the early feature - New sport types support added to Activity Sync enabled.
I’ve just disabled it but the calendar is still showing all of the other activities.

Great catch. Our engineers found what’s going on here and are fixing it now.


Display bug for workout Log In to TrainerRoad

Also happens with workout Log In to TrainerRoad

And workout Log In to TrainerRoad

So a pretty common bug, at least for me

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Display bug for workout

Update: This should now be fixed.

Original post: This is a known issue. We’re mistakenly using the workout’s TSS as the FTP value for the workout graph, which is throwing off the graph’s scaling. Look for this to be resolved shortly!

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