🎉📆🎉 New Early Access Feature: Improved Calendar (Beta)🎉📆🎉

I appreciate all of this feedback. One important thing to keep in mind: none of the functionality located in the right-click menu is only accessible there. It’s all also available from the drawer, and the right-click menu is just a convenient shortcut.

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Is “Copy Workout” available that way? I couldn’t find it, though it’s not really a big deal.

For me in Chrome, the right click is hit and miss. Sometimes it works and sometimes I still get the browser context menu. It’s annoying.

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That’s a fair point. There is no Copy Workout function outside of the right-click menu in the edit drawer.

I mentioned this above, but this is a known issue with a fix in final review right now. I hope to have it resolved by the end of the week.

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We found the cause of this and the fix is in testing. If all goes according to plan, it should be resolved in the next day or two.


That is good to know. As long as you make design affordances for people who use iPads or the touchscreen devices, that’s cool :sunglasses:

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We just rolled out the fix to the intermittently unavailable right-click! Please let me know if you are still able to find a situation where your browser’s right-click menu appears instead of the calendar’s… in all my testing so far, it’s resolved :crossed_fingers:

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Looks good! :slight_smile:

Got another one. Copying a group ride to a different date results in displaying as a solo ride:

Also found an inconsistency: the right-click menu for group rides shows an option to do solo, but the solo ride doesn’t show an option to do in a group.

Good catch. I can replicate this on my account. We’ll get on it.

This is an odd one. I can replicate it but only by right-clicking the miscopied workout created by the first bug you pointed out. At any rate, we’re going to be making some improvements to the “swap workout” functionality in the next few weeks, allowing more flexibility in swapping workouts between different types. That work will update and fix what you’re seeing by adding entirely new functionality.


Ah yes, I now see it works on normally-created solo rides… “Ride with a group” :+1:

Thanks for this. :slight_smile:

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Looks to be all sorted now, thanks @SeanHurley

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